15th August

131 8 2

Dear Maddie,

So summers nearly over. Still not seen you. In like 6 months. Maddie when are you coming home? I had a weird dream last night, about you of course, and I really need to tell someone other than mom and the boys in the house and yes, your still family I know but your not in the house right now, but your my sister so. Feel like it's relevant to tell you.

It started with me asleep, as in in my dreams I was asleep. Ironic, huh. And I heard the door open and Mom sounding really excited along with Greg and Ryan. Not Tyler. He's weird. And then your voice and then you saying "where's my Kenzie boo? I got all her letters" so I jumped and ran to the landing to see you in a hot pink coat, you were actually there. Like living and breathing. Really there. Like standing there with two very full purple and green suitcases. I ran down stairs, actually no I didn't. I slid down the railing. Hugged you, and that's when I really woke up.

I ran to the landing to see no one there other than Maliboo because she like sleeping on the doorstep. So I think, she might actually be here just, she get here a while ago so I run to your room, Open the door, turn on the light, the door slams into the radiator behind me and, no one there. Mom walks out and I explain everything and I start to cry. I get a hung and a kiss on the head. And she tells me to go back to bed. She goes downstairs and brings me up hot chocolate, a cookie, my favourite book and Mailboo. It's quite relaxing and I settle down immediately.

Love from
~Kenzie Boo xxx

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