chapter one

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"I'm so fucked!" I say to myself as I run into the building.

I slept through my alarm, giving me only 5 minutes to get ready, and 5 minutes to get to school.

I live 10 minutes away.

I speed walk through the hallways to my locker, not risking getting stopped by any teachers.

As soon as I round the corner, bumping head-first into someone, sending up both to the ground.

"Shit! Sorry, are you okay?" I say, looking up to the person I just knocked on their ass.

My heart sank seeing the person in front of me.

Jay Park. Just my luck...

"I'm fine. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He asks, quickly standing up and holding out his hand to me.

"Yeah, I'm okay..."

I hesitate, taking his hand. Jay pulled me off the ground with ease, making my cheeks heat up.

"Be careful. Sorry, I gotta go." Jay says, patting my shoulder before quickly walking off.

I stand there for a moment, trying to comprehend what just happened.

I ran near first into THE Jay Park.

Jay was the star player on the basketball team and was absolutely adored by everyone. Unfortunately, I'm guilty of falling for his charm too.

He was handsome, really nice, smart, and overall everyone's dream guy.

Shit, I don't have time to be drooling over Jay right now.

I round the corner, walking over to my locker and quickly opening. As soon as I swung my locker open, and small light purple envelope fell out and onto the ground.

I furrow my eyebrows, crouching down to pick up the envelope.

TO JUNGWON was written in big letters on the back.

I stand up, carefully opening the letter, being sure not to rip it. I pulled the small piece of folded paper out, unfolding it to see what was inside.



I admire you a lot. No one has ever caught my eye the way you did. Your smile, your laugh, your mesmerizing eyes, everything about you is unique and adorable. I don't think I've ever had feelings for anyone like the feelings I have for you. I would tell you this in person, but I don't think I can bring myself to say something like this to you face to face.

I realize as I'm writing this how creepy I might sound...sorry...

Anyways, have a good day cutie

-signed honey ❤︎︎


No fucking way...Did I really just get a love note?...

"Who the fuck is honey?" I whisper, staring at the note.

Just then, the second bell rang, making me jump.

I forgot about class! I'm completely screwed now...

I carefully put the note in my bag, grabbed my chemistry book and quickly shut my locker, running to my class.


first chapter😞

erm more characters revealed next chaoter let's see who's gonna be apart of this 🤤

hope you enjoy

have an amazing day/night

Love Notes (Jaywon ff)Where stories live. Discover now