"Ominis you shouldn't get out of bed, you took the medicine I prepared for you, right?"Harvey frowned.

Ominis took a seat next to James and Lily and placed his hand on hers. "You did a great job darling, you took some time off, right? But you have to show me her afterward."
Lily couldn't help but feel more relieved to know that her daughter would be sleeping in the same castle where he resided, such a kind and patient person, perhaps that was the secret to keep his one hundred and twenty-three years in perfect and decent conditions.

"Haaaa" the elf breathed out in exasperation, he had been an ally-servant and collaborator of this family for centuries, he didn't know how to handle it, he was someone who acted via brain, not feelings, but the Potter family was already too stained with blood and secrets, it would have been better not to burden them and do as they proposed.
"Okay, i agree with you, but she will always sleep here, never outside, maybe at the mansion for a day or two, but no more." he said, eyeing James.

"Of course" James replied, it was bothering him a bit that Nosoi thought he didn't know how to look after his daughter, or that he didn't care enough to put her life in danger,

The elf often tended to do this, as he had seen him and many other Potter children grow up and consequently was able to witness their reckless and impulsive decisions as teenagers and therefore did not realize that he had a couple of responsible parents in front of him instead of the usual children that he had to rebuke.

Even though he and Lily were actually really young, they had conceived their daughter at the age of eighteen and Lily had given birth to her at nineteen, but they didn't regret it, he just felt sorry for Lily.

The redhead gave him a fleeting glance, he had gotten so used to her presence that he hadn't noticed that she was reading his thoughts.

She had always told James that the pain she felt during childbirth was worth it, a birth that lasted more than three weeks, three endless weeks of pain, children born into this family were really difficult to give birth to, it's something that Dorea told her she repeated to warn and prepare her, she was informed that James' birth was a miracle when she saw him given birth, all the family members had to touch Dorea's belly and transfer a bit of vital essence to ensure that the baby developed well, a practice used to prevent him from ending up like everyone else...

While her pregnancy was indeed difficult, there were never any complications with the fetus and its growth, when Morrigan was born she was kicking as if ready to run, and her family cried with relief, even though she had to be hospitalized for a whole month, she was without strength, even if she tried to find them they weren't there.

Morrigan had just woken up.

And she was hungry, very hungry.

But she stopped moving when she realized that she was no longer in her little room, but in a larger room, she was not sleeping in a crib, but on a huge bed, a mattress that seemed to have no end just like the room, it was decorated with furniture black and red, at the end of the room there was a lit fireplace with three doors, one glass that led to the large balcony and the other to the bathroom and the last to the walk-in closet, the walls of the room were covered with paintings of animals and hunters animated by magic.

She began to crawl towards the end of the mattress and only when she lowered her head did he see something crawling down the bed, she rested his small chest on the mattress while keeping her large eyes fixed on the floor ready to spot the crawling creature.

"Mary!" her grandmother Rose called her from the bedroom door as she saw her granddaughter's little head dangling from the end of the high mattress.

She raised her head only to see her grandmother's gray eyes reduced to slits, not even a second and she found herself pressed against the woman's abundant breasts while she held her close.

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