Chapter 1

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In the quiet dance between shadows and starlight, where the very fabric of reality shivers in my head, I stand before you after so long. 4 years have passed and so much has happened. I never actually finished college. After deciding to walk the path of revenge and bloodshed, I was found by an organisation of superhuman guys that have similar pasts like mine and have the same goal I'm chasing. I decided to join them and now after 4 years I'm in full control of my abilities. I got stronger in so many ways, not only did I rise up the ranks but also stopped so many organisations of superhuman testing. I can't count how many lives I took in the process, truth is I'm numb to it now. The rage that blew inside of me every time I saw kids being lab rats for those dogs, it made my bloodlust reach a peak point and somehow I'd always lose control of myself. Next thing I'd wake up surrounded by countless bodies of dead people and everything destroyed. My teammates would always be there for me to pick me up but truth is inside I didn't trust them. I didn't trust my teammates, the organisation, the so called friends I have and the thing living inside of me. I haven't spoken to Rad(the alien lifeform living inside of me) in a long time. Ever since I joined the organisation he hasn't uttered a word in my thoughts though I still feel his presence. In the dark abyss I call my soul I can feel him keeping warm near a small fire surrounded by my darkness. Once, I walked the path of the ordinary, a mere whisper in the symphony of existence. But the cosmos, in its cosmic humor, chose me as its conduit-a conduit for superhuman abilities that defy mortal constraints. But now this story begins with a new light, the light I'm still hopefully looking for.

There I was checking my watch as I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling design of a dark room with only the moonlight as a source of light. The sliding door opened and Launa shuffled her way into my room. Sitting on the corner of my bed while staring deeply into my eyes as if she was expecting something. Launa is one of my teammates, she's the brains in our operations. Anything that needs hacking, surveillance or getaway vehicles on the go. She's the one to look for, though over the years we have grown close. We've been through a lot together and personally speaking whenever I look into her eyes I can see the desires she holds in her heart.

Jones: Did you come here to annoy me again?

Launa: As If you didn't want me here.

Jones: Sure, of course I wanted a radio on the corner of my bed ruining my peace and quiet.

Launa: Talk about rude.

Jones: Ay I'm jus being real. That's who I am.

Launa: I know that and I'd never wanna lose that side of you

Jones: Of course you wouldn't(sarcasm)

Launa: I'm serious about this Jones. Whenever you lose control on missions it gets me scared.

Jones: Cause you think I might kill you when I lose control?

Launa: No that's not...

Jones: Why are you even in here Launa?

Launa: I came to tell you that the commander wants to brief us on the next mission in an hour.

Jones: Sure thanks, now can you leave?

Launa: Okay, we'll talk about this later. Bye

(Door Shuts)

This isn't the first time this happened, the other guys had the same talk with me about how they feel whenever I lose control. It honestly puts pressure on me and that ticks me off, the commander is the only person who understands and is trying to help me control this side that loses control due to rage. Though I mastered my abilities the alien lifeform inside of me is an emotion type meaning its power is fueled by a strong surge of any emotion. Happiness, sadness, anger and fear all have a way the contribute to how much power I discharge. Since I grew with darkness in my heart the only emotion that truly fuels my power is anger. Till I find a way to control that I'll keep losing control.

Guess I should get ready for this meeting, last time I was late commander didn't look to happy. I don't blame him though, all his trying to do is get the work done no matter what it takes. He gets me so much but that fact always makes me uneasy. I can tell the man holds a lot of secrets and that gives me a bigger reason not to trust him. I know man like him, they're the type to sacrifice they're own pawns to get sh_t done, deception runs in his veins and power is what drives him forward. I already have him on my beware list, If worst comes to worst I won't hesitate to end his life and down with this cruddy organisation.

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