Episode 4 : To get a friend, defeat them first

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One night
Kai's dream world

One night Kai's dream world

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Kai : ( Ugh... why is it so cold ? )

??? : " Kai... "

Kai : " Huh ? "

??? : " Kai... did you hear my voice ? "

Kai suddenly met a giant ship made of ice that seemed as if the ice would never melt forever. Surrounding the ship was a wisp of fine white mist and it looked like snow was falling around it. And one distinctive feature of this ship is a large steel or titanium drill at the front snout.

Kai : " Who are you ?! Why do I feel cold as if at the North or South Pole ? "

Ymir : " This is me, Ymir, at that time you couldn't see me because you were on a mission with Kii, right ? "

Kai : " Yumiru-sama ?! Kore ga hontōni anatadatta to wa shirimasendeshita ! "

Kai : " Gomen ne Yumiru-sama ! I usually speak Japanese in front of you when I'm surprised "

Ymir : " Hah... It's okay, I'm actually happy to meet you Kai "

Kai : " Why are you in my dream world Yumiru-sama ? "

Ymir : " I want to convey 2 news to you, good news and bad news. And I hope you are ready to accept this news "

Kai : " What news indeed Yumiru-sama that what you want to tell me ? "

Ymir : " First is the good news. Soon, you will have many new friends, the majority of whom are your comrades in the special operations team of the ghost fleet. And i know you have recognize them "

Kai : " You mean ... Tsumari watashinotomodach i: Soryuu, taigei, yorugumundaru, garumu ?! "

Ymir : " Yes " ( And there he goes again with his Japanese words )

Kai : *happy twin-hull battleship noise*

Ymir : " And there is another one, your friend who you almost forgot about even though he was the one who accompanied you in the Pacific "

Kai : " Wait a minute... Kii-sama ?! "

Ymir : " Yes "

Kai : " Woah...Sugoi "

Ymir : " Now for the bad news, your comrades in arms will not recognize you when they first meet you in Azur Lane "

Kai : " Hah ?! But why ? Didn't you say they will be my friends in the future ? "

Ymir : " All of your former friends will have their previous memories erased. Except how they could sink or lose in the war "

Kai : " Erased ? "

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