Chapter 3 - The brown-headed princess

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There she is, a fragile little figure - Bea Whitmore, the little brown-headed girl. A girl, who seems to fade into the background, unnoticed. Unlike her sister, Bea bore an aura of solitude, finding happiness in her own company and keeping secrets to herself. She liked the silence, the gentle rustle of leaves, finding comfort in its embrace. She needed some time for herself, away from her life.

Out there, in the forest, she could do whatever she wanted. She could lay on her back, ruining her white dress, but she wouldn't care because out here it was her alone. She knew she wasn't the only one knowing about the lake, but to her, this was her place, a safe place. Furthermore, she could smile, and she could cry without worrying that someone would come and yell at her for her behavior. But this day didn't turn out like she thought it would. She has had a difficult week, and she looked forward to a time when her family would be too busy to notice her absence, she had done it before. She took her favorite book with her and couldn't wait to start.

But sometimes fate has other plans.

The distant voices of her sister and a male pierced through the stillness, drawing closer with each passing moment. She knew they were coming her way. But she just couldn't stand up. She was exhausted, she just couldn't do it. She only prayed that they would turn away. What would her sister say when she found her here? This was her only place where she could be herself.

"Princess Bea" His voice cut through the air like a chilling wind, sending shivers down her spine. She knew him by reputation, the tyrant of Potentia.  Tears welled in her eyes, betraying the facade of strength she so desperately clung to.

'Don't look at me' Her heart hammering in her chest.

'Go away' Yet, her body remained on the spot, betraying her desperate desire to run away.

'Why can't I run away?' At that moment, she felt utterly powerless.

'Why won't my pathetic body move?'


The king of Potentia is sitting down in front of me, I dare not lift my gaze. Behind me, I sense my sister's silent disapproval. She knows as well as I that I shouldn't be here. Oh, how I long to vanish like mist beneath the earth.

"What happened to your hand?" His voice, tinged with an unexpecting gentleness, cuts through the silence, sending a shiver down my spine. I clench my fist tighter against my chest, the ugliness of my injury is a reminder of my weakness. A tender warmth grazes my cheek, he brushes away the tears that stain my cheeks. Yet, despite the softness of his touches, a suffocating silence descends upon us like a heavy frog. 

I wrap my arms tighter around myself, seeking the warmth of my embrace. "Please" He whispers. I lift my gaze to meet his and then, with a hesitant gesture, I extend my hand towards him. It's ugly to look at, a red new scar is across my palm. I braced myself for the storm of questions, but they didn't come.

Instead, his gaze drifts to the surface of the lake, and with a gentle motion of his hand, he scoops up a handful of water. Closing my eyes, I extend my hand towards him. His fingers brush against the tender flesh of my palm, the string of pain jolting me back to reality. I swallow back the urge to protest, keeping my lips firmly sealed shut.

The sound of my sister's voice cuts the heavy silence, her words laden with a mixture of concern and reproach. "You're not supposed to be out here, little sister" I shrink beneath the weight of her gaze, unable to meet her eyes as the weight of disappointment settles like a stone in the pit of my stomach.

"She's hurt, Louisa" Aurelius's voice, tinged with a note of sympathy. I can't shake the sense of shame, that clings to me like a second skin. He's an important person, a figure of authority and power, and I can't help but wonder what he must think of me at this moment of weakness.

"I can see that and that's exactly why she shouldn't go out," She says, I bite back words that threaten to spill from my lips, the apologies and explanations. Then I feel her eyes burn the back of my head, "What are you even doing here, so long away from the castle?"Her voice is sharp, I meet her eyes. Her dress, a masterpiece of silk and lace, clings to her curves in all the right places."I just went for some fresh air" I look back down at my hand, it looks a little better now. "I...I cut myself one of the stones" I mumble. I realize, with a pang of regret, that I may have intruded upon a moment meant for just the two of them

"It looks a little better now already, but it's deep"I smile thankfully at Aurelius as he softly lets go of my hand. "I'll make sure to get it checked out" I lie. "I'll go home now don't worry," I say while looking at Louisa, she gives me a nod of approval and I bow at both of them before starting on my walk home.

The castle of Libertas is one of the oldest castles in history, across generations, our bloodline has dutifully safeguarded its towering presence. The beautiful castle is my home, it's where my family lives and where I grew up with my sister. But only one place is really my home - The liberty.

Words falter in capturing its beauty; its towering walls adorned with tall windows showing the sunlight in. It's filled with books of all kinds, I get to live in another place and be another person when I'm here. And the best thing? Nobody else ever steps foot in here, here I get to be alone for hours without anyone interrupting. I walk towards the embrace of a couch nestled in a corner, I settle myself down with the warmth of my beloved purple blanket. Guilt gnaws at the edges of my conscience, for I have lied for a king, and he only cared about my well-being. I know Louisa, with her duty, shall confront our father with what I have done.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of my own making, I find solace in the quiet corners of the liberty. I have one of my favorite books in my hand, it's a fantasy genre, it's about a girl who has been locked up in a castle and how she finds her way to be free.

Right now, I just want to forget.

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