Chapter 13: Opening Drill

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II got to the TRIA rink at 9:00am this morning for my first official practice as part of the Minnesota Wild. To say I am excited is an understatement. Since training camp is over, there is no bus to take us to the facility, so we all have decided that we will take turns driving. This morning, Mason was voted as our driver, considering he went to sleep at 8pm last night and didn't wake up until 15 minutes before we had to leave. It became official. If you sleep through the driving vote, then you are the driver.

So all four of us piled into Mason's jeep in the early morning to head to our first practice. Circus was gone before anyone woke up this morning, and I'm under the impression that we probably won't see much of him off the ice. I get a glance of him around the house when he is cooking, or wordlessly strolling through the halls, but he never says anything and just smiles or nods in greeting. He is not a man of many words.

While Mason drove us to the practice facility I could not stop shaking my leg. I was a nervous wreck. Although this was not going to be my first time playing in the NHL, I still felt like the most nervous one here. Weston was sitting behind me with his headphones on, focusing on the passing trees and cars with the utmost blank expression revealing not a single emotion, while Rudy was happily singing to whatever song was on the radio. His emotions were fully on display and the only thing radiating off of him was pure excitement. Why were these boys not freaking out?

We passed the entire ride in silence, except for Rudy's singing, as we all prepared for our first practice in our own way. 


We got to the practice facility a few minutes later and we all collectively got out and made We got to the practice facility a few minutes later and we all collectively got out and made our way into the rink. Since this was just a practice, none of us were in suits, and instead sported Minnesota Wild gear and track pants.

After changing into our under armor, we walked into the dressing room to get dressed for practice.

"Hey boys! Welcome to the team" Brock Monroe, our team captain, welcomes each of us before moving to his own locker to get ready.

I find my way to my locker in the middle of the room, between two returning players, Wyatt Jones and Liam Walker. Jones has been on the team for the past 3 years and was on the second D pair last year. I have not met him before this year, however his best friend, and roommate Liam Walker, played for the Minnesota Golden Gophers 3 years ago and was a senior when I was a freshman. He was the captain, before Minnesota called him up mid season, and as his Assistant Captain I took over his role in the following year. I had always looked up to him and I was thrilled to be able to play alongside him once again.

"Hey Pipsqueak" he greets me as I dap him up. Good to know that that nickname stuck. Liam first called me that during my first University game, after I started talking shit about how much better I was, and then we got lit up. Apparently I had a huge ego as a kid and loved to run my mouth. I like to think that I have come a long way since them, but who the fuck am I kidding. I am still an idiot kid with a huge ego.

"Mail Man!" I greet him back. If he is going to continue to use my stupid nickname, then I am going to use his. One night during a post-game celebration, one of the guys made the incredible discovery that Liam spelled backwards was 'mail' and the nickname Mail Man was born. I think he hated it just as much as I hated pipsqueak. I greet Jonsy the same way I greeted Liam and he daps me up. "Nice to meet you man, Brayden" I introduce myself. 

"So you finally decided to join the big leagues" Liam chirps.

"It was about damn time this team got some offensive talent" I chirp back, proving that I still do in fact have a huge mouth and even bigger ego.

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