Chapter 1: Apartment 803

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I spent the next few days unpacking and rearranging my studio apartment to make it perfect. I already loved it. The first thing that I noticed when I walked in was the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Mississippi River. The view was beautiful and was one of the main reasons why I got the space, before even stepping foot in it. That, and the fact that rent was pretty good, and it was close to the arena. While decorating my apartment, I wanted to make sure that this view was unobscured so I would always be able to look out the windows and watch the boats go by, while drinking my coffee in the morning. It sounded so peaceful. Leaving my windows clear, I decided to put my queen sized bed against the far wall, with my white couch directly in front of it, facing a tv against the opposite wall. Considering it was a studio apartment I didn't exactly have a bedroom, so my living space would have to do.

The kitchen was to the left of the living room / bedroom and had a beautiful white marble island and white plush bar stools. The cabinets were painted a sage green that made the entire apartment feel warm and cozy. Although I did not cook very much, I was suddenly very excited to use this space. Even if it meant taking a cooking class, or pretending to make food, while ordering takeout. I wanted to feel like one of those put together girlies, that went to the gym, then came home and meal prepped healthy food. In reality, I was more of the girl that ordered pizza or sushi and ate till my stomach hurt sitting on the couch. Maybe this was the perfect time to start. New city, new me.

Down the hall was a small closet that perfectly fit all of my clothing and accessories, and a bathroom with a glass shower and light up mirror. This was literally my dream. Like seriously, when I was younger all I ever wanted was a light up mirror, but all I ever got was a rusty mirror that was falling off my bathroom walls. This was a new type of luxury. Considering that my new house was something of my own, that I could design, and that I was responsible for, I decided to try my best to make it feel like a home. So while my cozy blankets, and pillows made it warm and welcoming, I decided to hand up some pictures of my friends and some of my old photographs to help set some roots in Minnesota, and have a place to call my own for a while. As I was hanging my graduation picture of Grace, Eve and I, I let out a deep sigh, finally setting up some permanent roots in the new city. This was my home. It was all mine.

After a long day of unpacking, I layed in my bed and watched the city lights through the window. I was settled in in my new home, and everything felt so perfect. I was already at peace here. I can't remember the last time that I felt at peace.

As soon as I was finally able to relax, I heard a loud banging on my front door. I jumped at the sudden obnoxious noise and made my way to the front of my apartment to investigate. I stood in front of the door for a few seconds, contemplating whether it was a smart idea to open it or not. I needed to remind myself that there could very much be a serial killer on the other side of this door, and that I was no longer in Canada. At home, I barely even locked my door, but here... things were different. While second guessing my friendly instinct, another loud knock came through the door, this time accompanied by a voice.

"Bryn! I know you're in there. Open the damn door and let me explain!". I was taken aback for a second. Who the hell was Bryn? I stayed quiet in hopes that this man would leave, however despite my attempt to ignore him, the mystery man kept on knocking and the shouting continued.

"Bryn please. I didn't mean to. It was an accident and I am not leaving here until you forgive me. I love you baby!" he continued. I put two and two together and realized that the mystery man was unaware that this was not Bryn's apartment, and that if I didn't answer to let him know, he would in fact stand at my door screaming for the remainder of the night.

I walked to the door and with a deep breath I opened it. The second the door opened, the mystery man stumbled forward barely catching himself on the door frame. He must have been leaning against the door, and considering the foul odor of alcohol mixed with weed, I figured he was doing so to hold himself up. He was definitely drunk and his red swollen eyes verified his intoxication. Apart from the obvious impairment, he was actually pretty attractive. He was tall with brown eyes and curly hair that covered his forehead. His jaw was cut in a sharp line, and his frame was fit. Although attractive, he was not exactly my type... unless my type was drunk frat boys who walked around with the smell of vodka and weed. No thank you.

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