1 - A Day in Town

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Dream - TW: brief self-dislike, slight depression, VERY brief starving, vampire stuff, breakdown (not too severe).


Dream sighed. 

Another day of starvation. Another day of pain. Another day of pretending it was all alright..

At least he had his friends? Hell, that couldn't even hype him up. He was fucking hungry. His fangs fucking burned, and always leaked venom. Stupid vampirism. Dream put his mask on, the strap slapping the back of his hair violently. It didn't hurt. Nothing did anymore.

Dream slid his pocket knife into his sweatshirt pocket. Just in case, of course. He pulled his hood up and sighed once more. He just had to make it to George and Sapnap's house...easy. Just a four fucking mile walk, which took 45 minutes. The town disappeared after about 30 minutes, luckily. At that point, he was free to walk at vampire pace. 

He was staying a few nights at their house, cool. It was something about George, though, his blood was...sickeningly sweet-smelling. Dream had so much trouble keeping away from him. He'd often space out at the sight of him, and he knew George noticed.

Dream did need a way off thanking the two for their unconditional hospitality. So he'd pick them up some treats..and maybe one for himself.

Dream headed out the door of his dingy apartment. He had a backpack of essentials, of course. His boots crunched on the gravelly cobblestone path. 


After a few minutes of walking, he reached his first stop: Niki's Bakery. He pushed open the spruce door, a nice jingle triggering.

"Oh, hiyo, Dream! What can I do for you?" A kind voice asked. Dream looked up at the girl with split-dye hair. Her hair was half pink, half black. Her ears were pointed too, as she was an elf.

"Oh, hey, Niki. I like the new bangs," Dream remarked.

"Thank you! Did them myself!" Niki flexed casually. Dream laughed.

"Okay, okay, ah, I'd like 2 doughnuts. One raw with red, yellow, and orange icing, and one, well, cooked with blue icing." Dream requested. Dream had to get Sapnap's doughnuts raw, since cooked foods usually burned in his mouth. Raw food helped limit the burning. 

"Okay, anything else?"

"Uhh, a jelly bun for me." Dream decided. He deserved a treat anyways, even if it didn't provide him with any nutrients whatsoever.

Niki went dead silent for a second. She looked thoughtful. A few moments passed before Niki clapped her hands and tilted her head to the side, her dyed hair following the movement gracefully. 

"I take it you'd prefer the buns filled with a different kind of jelly?" 

Dream faltered. "I- huh- what do you mean, Niki..?" Dream choked out.

"Dream, we both know what I mean. You look horrible." Niki deadpanned.

Dream took a deep breath. "...No thankyou.." he muttered.

"Alright, I won't push. But don't be ashamed. If anything, I'm worse." Niki said comfortingly. 

"But you're just a-" Dream began, confused.

"No, I'm..I'm.." Niki was on the verge of tears. "I'm an abomination. I'm a three-way hybrid! I'm an elf, a fairy, and.." Niki was nearly sobbing now. "I'm a fallen angel.." 

"And? You were born that way."

"No, Dream. Fallen angels aren't born, they're made. If two fallen angels breed, a normal angel is still produced..I did some fucked up shit.." Niki mumbled, practically choking on her tears.

"Niki, there's no need to cry, it's fine! You clearly regret your actions. You clearly are a wonderful person, if not the best," Dream said, hugging Niki. "You were unfathomably brave telling me..."

Niki smiled. "T-thank you.." she sniffled. "I- I should go make your order, yeah?"

"Sure." he knew Niki loved baking. He let go of her. "I'll go get some meat from Bad's while you cook."

"Alright," she replied.

Dream opened the door and walked over to the shop next door: BadBoyButcher's. He walked in the shop, the scent of blood attacking his senses.

"Hihi, Dream!" a certain demon greeted. 

"Hey Bad. Can I get some raw steak? Two cuts." 

"Of course!" Bad turned around. "SKEPPY! Two cuts of raw steak!" Skeppy yelled back an acknowledgment. 

Skeppy walked in a few moments later holding a thickly wrapped parcel. He passed it to Bad, who gently placed it onto a scale.

"That'll be $43.95. But for you, ah, $34.68."

Dream groaned...His money... Dream paid and left, going back to Niki's. The familiar jingle greeted him and Niki was at the counter, talking to Jack, her coworker. 

"Oh, hiya, welcome back, Dream!" Niki said cheerfully. "Here, consider it on the house."

She pushed a warm paper bag towards him.

Dream took it and walked out, heading towards the woods.


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