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"Taylor tell me this. Does Erik like me?" Lily asked me, with a tear stained face. I looked down for a bit. Then back to her. "Y-Yes. He does. He really does." I said. She smiled. I'm not sure if it was real or fake though.
I walked into Starbucks with Lily. It was in Kroger, Mount Vernon. The only Starbucks around us. We spotted Cierra sitting at a table for 3. We walked over to her. "Hiya!" Lily said. Then I put my hands in a position as if I was gonna karate chop something. Lily and Cierra laughed as I said, "hehe hi, Cierra!" "HEEEEEEY!" She replied.
"So." I said.
"Yeah." Cierra said. We laughed at how terrible we were at small talk.
"Did you get your drink?" Lily asked, sitting in a chair. I snapped back into real life and had a demented expression on my face. I sat down as well. "Yep! I also got a cake pop." She said greedily. That caused us to laugh a bit. Lily looked into the bag, and sniffed the cake pop. I giggled although... I never giggle. I guess it was a one time thing.
"Well! I'm gonna get our drinks. BRB!" I said, clicked my tongue and got into lines. I came back and gave Lily her drink as I started drinking mine. Hot chocolates. YUMMM! I got Lily a double chocolate chip. Cierra and Lily had a conversation but... I was really quiet for some reason. I didn't know why.
We stayed at Kroger with Cierra until 5 o'clock. We had to leave early because Erik wanted to go home. (He doesn't have nu dorm keys just so you know)
"See you guys Monday?" Cierra asked.
We walked out. "DUH! Of course!" I said with Lily.
"It was fantastic to meet my favorite YouTubers." She said. Me and Lily smiled then look at each other.
"Us too," we agreed. "Bye!"
"Well that was awesome!" Lily exclaimed.
"No kidding, Einstein!" I replied sarcastically.


It's been (SO LOOONG SINCE LAST IVE SEEN MAH SON! XD) two weeks since we met Cierra. We still haven't met Bethany, Jordan, and Isaac yet though. We hang out almost all the time. Turns out we have all the same classes which is great! We always get Starbucks after school or do homework or just talk in me and Lilys dorm. We got each other's numbers last week. TODAH WAS SUNDAY BUT... It wasn't that amazing. We just sat around basically. Lily was laying down on her bed listening to me trying to make a song. I went on Instagram and checked my feed. More people in arguments with each other again. Urrrgh. I continued attempting making a song and singing the tune and lyrics when I heard Lily forcefully flip onto her stomach and talk to somebody. I rolled my chair over to her and saw who she was talking to. Well... She was video calling Cierra. "YO!" I said. Then made a face as if I just ate a lemon. Cierra laughed then I rolled back to my desk to order tickets for something. I looked over and my eyes trailed over to Lily's iPad. I rolled over to her but in the process the chair stumbled across the carpet so I fell silently, and said, "IM OKAY!" And Lily quietly laughed. Just as I got up somebody grabbed Cierra's phone and ran around. "I-Isaac?" Lily mumbled. He had somehow heard... Somehow... "Yep!" He replied. We were both super shocked. "ISAAAAAAAC! WHERES MY PHONE?!" We heard Cierra yell. "Oh dang..." Isaac said quietly. Cierra was now behind him due to him turning and we could see a sliver of her. I laughed and turned back to the computer. "Cierra! Your phone is over here!" Lily yelled to the phone. "Lileh?!" She said clearly puzzled. "Yep! Now follow my voice!" She said. "AGHH NOOO!" Isaac cried out then chucked the phone to Cierra. "WHOA! I JUST FLEW THAT WAS SO COOL I JUST FLEW! ISAAC THROW THE PHONE AGAIN!" I said. He laughed and walked off. "Well that was an experience," Lily said. I nodded and continued getting the tickets. "You ordering tickets for Halloween-Con?"
"What's Halloween-Con?"
"It's basical-" I had started to say until Lily cut me off.
"It's like.... Kawaii-Con and Comic-Con but it's for Halloween."
"Ohh! Okay! Sounds fun."
"It is." We said at the same time.
"Well wanna hang out later?" She asked us. "What time?" Lily asked looking at her posters once again.
"Ummm," she said looking at her clock. "What about 3?" "Nyeeeh... No can do! We're getting our costumes then!" I said as I jumped on the bed. Lily looked at me super confused and then seemed to remember. "Oh true! Wanna come get costumes with us?" Lily asked nicely. "For what?" Cierra asked, clearly confused. "Halloween-Con!" Lily chirped."We've been going ever since it had started," I pointed out. "You can even do like, trick or treating. It's so cool!!!" "Well... How much are the tickets?" "Fifteen dollars but you can only go in once so if you left you would have to pay again to get back in. The all day passes, however, which are twenty dollars, allow you to do every single thing there. And the last one which is 25 dollars, does the same things as the all day passes but, they give you food. But its better to get the all day pass instead of the 25 dollar one because you can just get things from Starbucks. And Starbucks is life." Lily said. Somewhat quickly. "Hmm... When is it?" Cierra asked. Probably thinking if she'll be able to come. "On Halloween. me and Tay usually go for the day stuff because its an all day thing. Sometimes we stay for the night stuff."                                                              "Okie dokie! I'll order my passes. Can my siblings come too?"                                                                                   "No. They can't. It's illegal." I said sarcastically. "Ha ha. Very funny." Cierra replied with as much sarcasm as I. "Yes. You can bring them." Lily said lightly smacking my head. I laughed quietly. "I'm so pumped! We're gonna meet your siblings!.. Which we haven't done yet..." I said, laughing, and awkwardly. "Okay it's settled! I am going to Halloween-Con!" Cierra beamed. "Whoop whoop!" Lily cheered. "Will you come to get our costumes with us?" I asked, hoping that'd  she say yes. "TOTALLY!" She cried out. We all burst into laughter. "C-Cool! Meet us at the thrift store on Jackson Lane." Lily told Cierra. "Okay! See ya later!" Cierra said happily then ended the video call.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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