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Still Taylor's P.O.V RECAP: "OH.. UHH. Hi. HI" I said stupidly. I stared at the girl in the hallway.

I kept staring at her. Unable to look away. I don't know why. Just then Lily barged in from the bathroom. I'm guessing she had taken off her makeup. "Hi, Regina!" She said. Regina rolled her eyes and walked in. "Excuse me. Don't just roll your eyes at this beaut- girl. Nobody here likes you so just go away!" Erik said. I knew he cut himself off because he said half of beautiful. I smacked his head just as Danny came with his passé. As he came in Regina nearly killed him with kisses. I cleared my throat so they'd stop. They did. "You guys can leave now." I said as I went to grab a blow horn. I gave a water pistol to Erik and Lily just had her eardrum breaking scream. I was this close | | to pushing the blow horn but then somebody appeared behind them. I dropped the blow horn in amazement at who was there. Lily saw too. And Erik just stared at us like 'da heck you looking at?' He honestly looked hilarious the way he stared at us. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Then the blow horn was stepped on and the sound was heard and broke our eardrums. Lily and I dropped to the floor dramatically and Erik collapsed onto the beanbag he was just sitting on. Everybody stared at us like 'dafuq? Are you guys drunk or something?' Then the girl behind Regina, Danny and his passé walked into the room. I recognized her even more now that she was so close to us. I started spazzing because.. WELL I KNEW WHO SHE WAS. (She's mah soul :3 lol jk) I brushed off the invisible dust on myself and said, "sorry. Hehe. I'm just very happy to see you because you're uh... You know... Cierra Frye/ImmortalKyodai" I was stumbling over my words because I was so excited to see her. "Haha. I get it." She replied casually, "I can't help but say... You're MayTayKay and LilyPad!" I nodded and Lily started jumping around like a maniac. We couldn't help but laugh. Then Danny out of the blue grabbed Lily, and smacked her in the face. "Whoa! Dude chill." I yelled at him, grabbing him and kicked him so much he started bleeding. I then slapped him continuously. I honestly had no idea why he did that. Did Lily look at him in a certain way? Did he think she did something rude? I didn't know. "What was that for? What did I do? Did I hurt you or something?" Lily asked, clearly annoyed and puzzled. "No." He muttered. "So what?!"
"Come with me."
She followed him out the room and into the hallway. I watched just incase he wanted to beat her up again. He whispered something in her ear and she looked surprised. Then mad, then sad. Then all her emotion faces mushed together into one and she stared and Erik. Then at me, then right back to Erik. What did he tell her?! All I heard was 'hungry for love', 'stupid', and 'thinks you're sexy'. I WAS SO FRICKING CONFUSED! What?! What did he say?! "Lily," I said holding her arm. "What did he say?" "Later." She replied. "Ladies! What's all this racket coming from you two?" Our principal called out from the hallway. We looked over and he looked super angry. My face turned red as he walked over to us. "Miss. Kono, Miss. Dean why is it so loud in your room." (Kono is Lilys last name Dean is Taylor's last name.)
"Danny and his passé were bothering us." Lily said truthfully and confidently. "Ms. Dean is what she's saying true?" He asked. I nodded. "This can't be true! Mr. Franklin is anything BUT a trouble maker!" He said, smiling. I looked at Cierra and Lily who had the same expression on they're faces as I. It was like 'are you living under a rock?! Where have you been?' "With all due respect, sir but I disagree with you. He slapped me about five minutes ago." Cierra and I nodded as if backing it up. "Ms. Kono I don't believe you. Do you have any proof of this."
"Proof? You want proof? Oh you bet I have proof." Lily said sassily. Then did her sassy smirk.
"Show me."
We followed her to her desk and she grabbed the security tablet that I've never seen her use.
"About 2 months ago there were several break-ins in this dorm. Am I correct?" Lily asked with a smirk.
"Yes ma'am."
"Fantastic! Last month I installed this here, tablet! There's a camera right above the door that I can move around to get different angles of the room. This is my proof." She pointed to the ceiling he looked up and saw it.
"She rarely uses it but when Danny comes her she hooks it all up." I pointed out. "Nobody ever notices! She does it all so quick and quietly!" Erik added. Lily handed him the tablet to see him slap her. "Mr. Daniel Franklin follow me to my office before this gets worse." Our principal said walking away with the tablet. Cierra cleared her throat and he turned around looked at his hands, chuckled and handed Lily her tablet back. "Dude I could've gotten into serious trouble too!" I said to Lily accusingly. She explained how when I kneed Danny it wasn't recorded luckily or I would've been in more trouble than Danny. "YOU ARE THE BESTEST GREATEST FRIEND EVER!" I exclaimed. "Now, what did he say?" She gritted her teeth. "Cierra, we'll meet you in an hour at Starbucks okay?" "Sure!" Cierra replied. She walked out of the room. "Erik? Could you uh... Leave the room too?" "Of course!" He said happily. He grabbed his phone then left. Lily sighed. "What?! How bad was it?!" We sat on her bed. "This... Is what he said: I think you're sexy. That uh, that boy, Erik. He likes you. But that's not gonna ever happen because... Well you're stupid and you're all mine. I want you and your beautiful body to be mine. I'm hungry for love." She bursted into thousands of little baby tears. I hugged her. "T-Taylor? Is it t-true? Does Erik have a a a crush on m-me?" She said in between tears.

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