Chapter 3 (.2)

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The fire fae weren't easy to find. The fae lands had been hidden from humans for centuries. Walking towards one of the wards would make any human confused and struck with a strange desire to go back home.

Whilst Ellia wasn't affected by the wards, it wasn't a small feat in itself,  finding the fae. They had survived many years remaining hidden. It was similar to how Ellia herself had used a ward to disguise as a human. Encouraging people to perceive her ears as curved and normal and to help mute her powers. She had put the aforementioned wards back in place before she got back to her house.

So when the guards knocked on her door, she was just a human woman, grieving for a lost brother.
"There's a monster in the village! Oh, how terrible. No, i didn't see anything, sir." Was what she had said. Hugging a blanket around her, covering the trousers and shirt that had a splatter of blood up the front.
"She lives up on a hill, far from the village. It's not surprising she hasn't seen anything." They had said to each other, amongst other things about her mental breakdown smashing glasses.
"Sorry to disturb you ma'am and sorry for your loss." They had both taken their helmets off and did a shallow bow to show their condolences. Petty condolences. They were the ones who had dragged young boys out their homes and killed them for not complying.
What child in their right mind would want to work to their death?

Ellia was now sat staring at a map. She drew red crosses where she thought the Fae may be, areas of large forests or mountains that hadn't been breached by humans. She then put black crosses at each human lords house, along with a large black cross at the castle. She would have to travel to each city in search of the fae anyway, might as well take the lords while she was there. Two birds, one stone and all that.

Her stomach rumbled. When was the last time she ate? She couldn't remember. She usually ate with Fynn. Maybe food should be on the list, too. Food then revenge.

She looked to see what time it was and saw that the sun had already started to rise, and Ellia hadn't slept. The day begins, and there is no time to rest. She made herself a small bag, filling it with only essentials: her weapons, clothes, money, a map, and a book. She limited herself to only one, though it pained her to leave her special editions behind.

As she stepped outside, she thought that it was strange, to be so disconnected from herself again. She had to get used to breathing only half what she felt she needed and feeling so little. The breeze was just a breeze, with no layers of temperature. It was just cold. The sun wasn't a warm golden colour. It was just yellow and a blinding yellow at that. She was nothing but a shell of herself. She would prefer to be like this for the rest of her life and still have Fynn by her side. Thats what they had planned to do.

She took her waterskins to the pump, thinking of other ways she could try and fix the handle. But when she got there, the handle was fitted perfectly in place. She moved it, and water came out. It worked. Fynn must have fixed it for her. He had been stood here, not even more than a few days ago. Tears threatened to escape her eyes, so she hurried, filling her water as fast as she could. Another reason why she needed to leave here is because everything reminded her of Fynn. She knew all that would bring was her hiding away and crying the days away until she died. No one would notice if she died. She doubts that anyone would remember Fynn other than her and perhaps rose. So no, she would carry on. The world would remember her and what she had done for Fynn. The revenge that will be taken for an untimely death.

She needed to hurry up if she were to make it to the next town by nightfall. She lets the sheep and cow out in the barren field so they can snack on as much luscious grass as they wanted until Rose came to claim them. She wasn't just going to abandon them and let them catch laminitis or some other illness. Besides, Rose could use the money from selling them. Or eating them, her decision. She had wanted to thank Rose for her help that day. It was the best she could do.

The village was up and running early as usual, as if the "monster attack" from last night hadn't even happened. She supposed that when people need money to avoid starving to death, then a monster threatening their life isn't as scary as it sounds. She bought some bread and dried meats to last her journey. She needed to live for Fynn. On her way past Rose's house, she posted a letter through her door. Telling her where she can find the animals and a key to her house, everything is hers, and she can take whatever she wants.
Though Ellia made sure to warn her of the winter chill the house got.

Ellia then stood in front of the funeral home. A task she would have avoided if it were not needing to be done before she left. She doesn't think she could look at him again, and yet she makes herself. He didn't look like Fynn anymore. His skin pale, mouth downturned and eyes closed. Even when he slept, he kept a small smile on his face.
"I'll find you in the stars."
She left a bag of coins for the funeral director, telling him to bury him at the top of the hill under a tree. Mark the grave with a blue stone, the colour of his eyes.

Once she had done all she needed to do, she started to walk. Walk away from her home, her life. Again. Leaving a body of someone dear to her, again.
The one woman, no longer a child, walked down the field through tall blades of grass, she didnt look back.

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