Chapter 1 - Mako

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Cloud POV

My eyes finally flew open and I jolted up in bed, panting and out of breath. What the hell was that!? I check the clock. It's about five in the morning. I could faintly hear the people working outside in the cold, dubious air of the slums over my own heavy breathing. I glance around my room. It's practically empty, besides a desk with a few books on it and my sword next to my bed. There's dust in every corner and a single small yet easily noticable cobweb next to the door. I stare at my hands for a few more seconds before I finally regain my composure and take a drink of water. The water is... not the most clean. Water in Midgar is hardly ever clean, unless you're above the plate in Sector 8, which... had fallen to ruin a while ago. So no, there is not a single milliliter of clean water in this place. It all either has dust in it from sitting out so long, it probably has dirt and if you're unlucky enough, probably dog shit particles, and there is a 92% chance there is at least a bit of mako in it. How can I tell? I can recognize that stench anywhere. Doesn't matter how little the amount. The stuff smells like a mixture of bleach and pine tar. Not the worst. Not the best. Either way, Shinra fucked the shit up.

Mako is the life source of the planet. It keeps things going. Helps grass grow, helps trees plant roots in the ground, keeps all life from vanishing without a trace. Without mako, there wouldn't be a planet to live on. But too much of it, and crap goes wild. Things start degrading, turning to rock within a few years. I've witnessed it myself. Mako has changed. Natural mako comes straight from the planet. You eat a piece of lettuce on your sandwich? Chances are, it probably has a bit of mako in it. Not that bad for you. But Shinra has different plans. Mako from reactors contain the cells of unnatural beings. They mix the mako from the planet with the blood of creatures, and keep them locked in chambers to see what the hell happens. That's what happened with Sephiroth. And that's how my life got dunked in a gallon of the earth's piss.

Yeah, fine. I'm human. I was born human. Unlike Sephiroth, who's mother is the root of all mako experiments. I'm all good, a somewhat functioning human being. Mostly. Well, my memory is fucked up and my strength is overwhelmingly high to the point where I seem like a Dragonball character. Mako is injected into SOLDIERS to make them stronger before battle. I was dunked into one for far too long. I would've been fine, if it were only for between an hour and a week. But no, because I was in that pisshole for four whole years. At sixteen years old.

Well, that's my life story wrapped up. Not sharing anything else. It'll all be uncovered soon enough, if not in a few weeks.

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