
"Cause of death? Do you really think you can kill me with your meager skills?" Shui Yingchen couldn't help but smile, "You overestimate yourself, okay, now change someone, dying Just struggle!"

Luo Jin still smiled and didn't make any movement.

"You know there is another person inside you, right?" Shui Yingchen said.

"I can feel that some memories will suddenly disappear recently. I can guess it," Luo Jin said. "Although I am a little curious, I will not go into it. She is me, so her arrangement must be the most reasonable." , after all, people will never harm themselves."

Luo Jin's eyes changed for a moment, and then his smile became a little evil, "Indeed, of course I will not harm myself, hey... I know I can't hide it, In the past, when she was in good health, she could come out after she fell asleep, and then lie back on the bed, and she wouldn't feel any abnormality. But now it doesn't work. Her body is too weak and she can't hold on for long. She always loses her memory suddenly. Who knows? You all find it strange, right?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "Now that you've discovered it, I don't need to close my memory of you, so...just look at me carefully!"

She turned her wrist, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

Shui Yingchen said disdainfully: "Do you want to use that dagger to fight me to the death?"

Luo Jin glanced at the dagger in his hand, "This is not an ordinary dagger, it is a treasure that can cut iron like clay." "

Then So what?"

"Don't you use a weapon?" Luo Jin turned the dagger in his hand, "You will suffer a loss."

"No need."

Luo Jin swayed, waved the dagger to meet Shui Yingchen, and struck out with one move, But Shui Yingchen avoided it.

There was a sudden commotion in the wind, and Shui Yingchen's pupils shrank suddenly.

Swarms of bees flew out from the bottom of the cliff and rushed towards Shui Yingchen, like a group of charging warriors. Shui Yingchen's breath tightened, and he waved his palm to meet him. A large number of bees were instantly shot to the ground, but more bees rushed up.

"I heard that you...are afraid of bugs? Bees are bugs, right?"

"I've been waiting for the bugs she summoned. What are you waiting for? Waiting to die?" "

How are you? Do you feel that your SAN value is going crazy?"

"Oops, the Emperor has been weakened."

Luo Jin smiled and waved the dagger to meet him. The cold front flashed like lightning. Shui Yingchen's body froze slightly. After only a moment of hesitation, the dagger had already pierced his chest. . Blood spurted out, and he looked at the face with a distorted smile in disbelief.

"You underestimated me, and you underestimated her even more. How about it, how does it feel to be killed by someone you look down on?" Luo Jin then swung out a palm, and Shui Yingchen was hit by her palm. Gotta fly out backwards and fall off the cliff.

She then shook her head and smiled: "In the entire Jiuyuan Continent, there is no one who can fight."

She stared at the falling snowflakes in the sky and suppressed her smile.

"Now that you already know my existence, I will give you some fighting abilities so that you can have more ability to protect yourself." "

But you can't use my power, I still have to rely on you for these. Yourself."

"Never try to explore your unknown memory, which is the basis of your existence. Don't wonder what happened in the past, so that we can coexist. Otherwise we will dissolve each other and destroy together." "You are

me The best part of my soul, I will always protect your existence."

Luo Jin looked at the dagger in her hand and the blood on her hand. She silently took out the handkerchief and wiped her hands and dagger clean.

This was the first time she had seen another perspective of herself, but she only felt peaceful.

There was no more confusion in his eyes.

It was late at night when I got home. The maid Xiangxiang came out to open the door and saw a lot of blood on Luo Jin's body. She said anxiously: "Is your Excellency injured?" "No,

someone wanted to kill me, but I killed him instead." Luo Jin shook his head and said, "Go and boil the bath water."


Xiangxiang boiled the bath water and helped Luo Jin take a bath. Luo Jin sat in the bathtub and was lost in thought. Xiangxiang asked the water temperature several times before she responded, "Just right. That's it."

The emperor of Jiyuan died in Dongyuan. This matter is expected to cause a big fuss. Is there any movement?

However, Luo Jin didn't think Shui Yingchen could die so easily. She had never seen a character die by jumping off a cliff, but now that she knew how to deal with Shui Yingchen, she wasn't afraid of him anymore.

The next day she continued to go back to Taichang Temple to work as if nothing had happened. Du Jingchen came over early in the morning and said that the horoscope last night showed that there was a big disaster in the north, and asked her if she wanted to report it.

"I'll write a note right now." Luo Jin said.

The emperor believed in the astrology very much, and she could not be perfunctory. No matter what kind of astrology she observed, she had to report it and let the emperor make the decision.

While I was writing the note, my subordinate came to report that Liu Zishu was here.

"Your Majesty sent me another message?" Luo Jin greeted him.

"No, it's this dress." Liu Zishu handed the bundle to Luo Jin, "I asked the embroiderer at home to look at it. She said that the needle holes in the removed area were very strange. She had never seen such needle holes before and couldn't do it. No judgment."


"She said it was not any embroidery method she knew. It seemed that the other party's embroidery method was extremely weird... Of course, it may also be that they have their own unique techniques. She, an ordinary embroiderer, could I don't know."

Luo Jin frowned, "So there must be something wrong with Xiu Niang... Where is she now?" Lin Jinzhou said

: "In the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, the case has not been closed, and she has not returned yet."

In the Ministry of Punishment, Luo Jin thought of a person, "Jie Gui is now the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, right?"


"Go see him!"

Luo Jin remembered that there was a character like Jie Gui in the novel, and he was a supporting character with many roles. He is the intellectual head of the protagonist group. At a young age, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Justice by virtue of several major cases. The protagonists come to him for advice on many difficult problems.

This kind of thing should naturally be left to professionals.

"Master Jie was sent out by the emperor to investigate a difficult case. I don't know when he will come back." The people from the Criminal Department said to Luo Jin, "Why don't you wait for your Excellency to come back and inform Master Luo?" "This is the only way

. ."

Luo Jin is not in a hurry to find out about this matter. The embroiderer in question is being held in the Ministry of Punishments and cannot escape, so it doesn't matter if it's a little later.

It's just that she didn't expect that Jie Gui's business trip would take quite a long time. She waited for a month without getting any notice. On the contrary, it was Chai Jing who sent word that Qin Huaying had given birth to a daughter and he wanted to take her to visit the Grand Master's Mansion.

Luo Jin followed Chai Jing to the Grand Master's Mansion in a carriage. Unlike the last time she came here, there were obviously more guards here, but they were all surrounding the mansion. The previous guards were used to watch Qin Huaying and prevent her from escaping, but now the situation is different. These guards are here to protect her. After all, she is about to become the queen of Xiyuan Kingdom, and the daughter she gives birth to will most likely be the future queen. The Empress of Xiyuan, Dongyuan Kingdom naturally wants to protect these two important figures.

The palace was full of joy. When Qin heard that the princess was visiting, he went out to greet her personally.

"The baby I just gave birth to yesterday is indeed a daughter. The imperial doctor's diagnosis was really accurate." Taishi Qin happily led the way, "I took the princess to see the baby. The baby was born in the same mold as Hua Ying. , but the eyes don't look like her father."

Spring has begun and the weather is getting warmer, but there is still a charcoal basin lit in the house, and several wet nurses are surrounding the little princess, taking good care of her.

While the little princess was still sleeping, Chai Jing and Luo Jin went to Qin Huaying's room to visit.

Qin Huaying was leaning on the pillow. Although she had just given birth, she still looked beautiful and elegant, with delicate makeup on her face. She was not as haggard as an ordinary mother.

Seeing Chai Jing and Luo Jin come in, Qin Huaying waved away all the people waiting in the room.

"I'm sorry I can't get out of bed to entertain you," Qin Huaying smiled slightly, "Have you seen the little princess? Isn't she very beautiful?"

Chai Jing raised her eyebrows, "This little princess has saved you a lifetime of glory and wealth."

Qin Huaying said with a smile: "That's not true! It was me who protected her lifelong glory and wealth."

Chai Jing curled her lips, "Okay, just stop complaining."

"Jealous?" Qin Huaying covered her mouth and chuckled, "Why are you, a queen, jealous of me? Huh? I'm just jealous of you. You don't have to please anyone, you can get whatever you want. I'm not as lucky as you, so I have to rely on myself!"

Chai Jing found a seat and sat down, tilting her head to look. She asked, "How is your body? You won't be out of shape after giving birth, right? When Jiang Ge becomes the emperor, if you are out of shape, will he dislike you?" "A little bit

... It's definitely incomparable to before." Qin Huaying touched her belly, "But Jiang Ge won't mind, because I know he loves me. If a man really loves a woman, he won't mind this kind of thing. "

Then do you love him?" Chai Jing asked.

Qin Huaying smiled and shook her head, "I don't love him."

She smiled softly again, "But I like him. He is good to me, good-looking, and he is an emperor. What reason do I have to dislike him?" She

sighed leisurely. Said: "I won't really fall in love with anyone. Falling in love with someone means giving your heart to him. It's like giving a weapon to the other person and letting others control everything about you. I don't To be so stupid, my heart will always be in my own hands. What I love most...of course is myself!" "

I knew it." Chai Jing snorted, "No surprise."

"But I'm a little surprised. ," Qin Huaying looked at Chai Jing, "From what I know about you, you are the kind of person who will show your sincerity to the people you love. If one day you meet someone you like, you will definitely put everything aside. Give it all to him, people like you are very easy to be taken advantage of. When I was at Yulefang, I heard that you fell in love with a musician, and I thought you would be manipulated by him..." She sighed and shook her head, "Unfortunately,

it's not as good as I expected. , you were not played by him, but played him to death, I kind of underestimated you."

Chai Jing couldn't help but look at Luo Jin.

If it weren't for Luo Jin, I'm afraid she would have died many times now.

She looked back at Qin Huaying and said, "I don't agree with your statement."

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