"Thank you." I said, smiling at him, just thinking about Jamie made my heart flutter. 

"We're really excited about it." A voice said from the doors entrance. I turned around and saw the most beautiful boy in the world with his bag slung around his shoulder. 

"Jamie." I said softly and happily. 

"I may or may not have told him that you were signing the contract when we got back." Bob said smiling over at us as Jamie walked over to me, sneaking an arm around my back. 

"That's why I've been a little dry, it's been very hard for me to keep that from you." Jamie said, I smiled up at him again. 

"That's okay, I get it." I responded. "But don't let it happen again, I was worried." 

"Girl this man does not stop talking about you I don't think you have anything to be worried about. Now, can we go home please?" Trevor asked from behind Jamie.

"Oh you didn't drive either, did you?" I asked him. 

"Did you see my car in the driveway woman?" He asked. 

"Thank you again Bob, let me know if there's anything I can do before tomorrow to get ready. I think I should take these two home and smack sassy pants over there." I said, trying to shove the two boys out of the room to not embarrass me anymore. As we started walking down the hall and were out of Bob's sight I pushed past Jamie and smacked Trevor upside the head.

"Ow!" He yelled, bringing a hand up to the back of his head and started rubbing, while Jamie just laughed. "What was that for? Bob I need concussion protocol! The new assistant game ops manager is bullying me!" Trevor yelled down the hall while walking backwards to see if Bob was coming out of his office.

"Shut up, Zegras." Bob called back through a little laugh, making Jamie and I laugh harder. Trevor threw his hands up in disbelief and started walking forwards again.

"How did you even get here if you didn't drive?" I asked him.

"Sky, you drove me too." 

"I did?" I asked.

"Yeah, clearly you were too busy paying attention to your new fiancé to notice lil ol' me in the back seat." Trevor said, now pretending to cry.

"What is wrong with him today?" I asked, looking over at Jamie.

"He's always like this right after a long flight." He responded. I nodded.

"Remind me never to come pick him up again." I said, trying to keep a straight face. It's been just over a week since I got to be with my boys, and get the best entertainment, for free might I add. 

"Oh you missed me, Skyler, you can't fool me." Trevor said, holding the door outside to the parking lot open for us. He grabbed my shoulders from behind and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "You love me." He said again. I gave him a face of disgust and tried to wipe my cheek where he kissed to get the Trevor-ness off. 

"I think I need to go cleanse my entire body now thank you, Trev." I said as I unlocked the car, letting the boys put their stuff in. "Am I driving or are you, babe?" I called over to Jamie. 

"I'll drive, I gotta take care of your pretty face." He said, walking over to me and putting his hands on my hips before kissing my lips.

"What about my pretty face?" Trevor asked as he got into the back seat.

"Yeah, sure, Trev." Jamie said in a monotone. I laughed a little as I walked over to the passenger side door and got in. 

"So you knew I was getting the promotion today and didn't say anything?" I asked as Jamie started driving home.

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