Desperation has a price

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November 22

I had been hiding out in Becky's overly spacious house that she had completely overhauled more than once as it was clearly obvious.

I had been to her house previously more than once as she always had 'something' going through an upgrade. Usually right after the new year she would upgrade something and always tell me and my parents that she got an amazing bonus at the end of the year and between her work, side business, and everything else that she hid from us she had enough money to re-do something in her house.

First it was the roof as she added a really nice roof. Then it was extending her garage and adding all sorts of items to help her organize. Then it was a new seamless tankless water heater. Then it was a complete overhaul of her master bathroom with heated flooring, antique bathtub, and a smart shower. Then it was redoing her floors as she went and had it redone with bamboo flooring. Then she expanded her living room adding onto the house. Then her kitchen. Then she expanded her master bedroom and added onto her house.

Becky just about re-hauled the entire house one piece at a time. I think the only thing she hasn't redone is the original frame.

Year after year she always did something sometimes twice a year.

Up until now I had always wondered how Becky was able to do all this but now with her recent admissions it all made sense now.

Over the past few days I had taken advantage of all the amenities that Becky had installed while she was pretty MIA the entire time.

The first couple of days was pretty much smooth sailing as Amber would come over. Inject me. Tell me to take my supplements. And then leave. Every four hours.

Naturally I would play video games while my junk remained in a comatose numb state which was nice. Though the whole my dick was continuously leaking was annoying now that I was at Becky's place she made me wear clothes. After changing my first pair of precum soaked boxers I was kind of missing my personal maid who freely lapped up my precum happily.

Then yesterday was my first official day back on the supplements without the injections to keep my dick numb....and everything rushed at me like a wrecking ball.

First I felt like my balls had tripled in size with the accumulated load it was currently backed up on as it throbbed and begged for release. It was my first time I had experienced this since the long time debunked theory of blue balls....and trust me that shit happens. A girl plays with you for too long without getting any type of relief and next thing you know you're rolling on the ground holding your balls as they throbbed.

Honestly I'd rather get kicked in the balls repeatedly by a professional martial arts master with steel toed boots on than deal with blue balls.

I know that logic doesn't make sense but now that I was experiencing the phenom again it sucked royally. I couldn't stand up fully without wanting to double over and hold my balls, so I pretty much walked around hunched over as an ice pack remained lodged in my boxers hoping that would help the throbbing.

Then the frustration hit me harder than a wrecking ball. In one second I felt completely fine and the next I was foaming at the mouth looking around for a hole to stick my dick in.

Somewhere in the middle of all that I remembered I had Becky hide my 'Spank Bank' somewhere in her house. So naturally I went looking.

I looked in the obvious places where a small safe could hide as it was fairly heavy. First I went through her closet and kind of wished I hadn't as I was greeted by my sister's on kinks.....which made me run out of her closet rather quickly as I didn't want to imagine certain items my sister associated with.

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