He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair, like a weed

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"Yes, what do you need sir?" I asked hesitantly. "You little brat have you been listening to a single thing I've said!" he yells at me. I decide I'm going to be a total pain in this guy's ass. "Nope, I haven't been listening to a single thing you've said," I say with a sly smile. "You little shit! I'm going to kill you!" He screams at me even more sparks coming out of his hands. "Well, I would like to see you try," I say my smile growing larger. The blond is about to yell at me again when the bus driver cuts him off. "I'm sorry sir, but can you please just sit down many of us have places to be and we would prefer that we all aren't late." "I will only shit down when this bitch gives me my seat!" "I'm sorry, but I don't see your name on this seat, and nobody told me that some angry blond bitch usually sits here so I think I am O.K to be here," I say with a stern look now, I end up checking the time again and realize I am almost late to school. I stop paying attention as I am wondering how I'm going to try and get to school on time; I hear the bus driver in the background trying to calm the guy down and get him to sit down while the guy just keeps arguing and cursing out the bus driver. "Dude shut up! We all have to be somewhere, and we all would prefer that we aren't late so pick a fucking seat and sit down for fucks sake!" I say with a stern voice. The whole bus went quiet even the blond kid looked at a loss for words. The guy finally mumbled a fine and mumbled some other words, he finally decided to sit one seat away from me. I decided that since it takes a couple of minutes for the bus to get to my school 1 decide to sit there and go on my phone.

After a couple of minutes of playing a game, I put on some random playlist and decide that I'm going to put my phone away, so I don't lose power. The blonde guy next to me ends up glancing at me and says with a sly grin "Huh should have known you were from Kimetsu Academy because you seemed like a stupid little extra and a weakling since you didn't try and fight me back." I visibly tense at this and I feel like punching this guy until I see his uniform I then snap back "Should have known you were a U.A student cause you're a dumbass and you talk big when you're just another kid with a quirk who got in because of your parents' money." A vein pops out of the guy's big ass forehead, and I realize that I've irked him now. "YOU LITTLE SHIT I DIDN'T GET IN BECAUSE OF MY PARENTS' MONEY I GOT IN WITH MY AMAZING QUIRK YOU SEE THIS QUIRK?? THIS IS THE QUIRK OF A FUTURE PRO HERO SOMETHING I KNOW YOU'LL NEVER BE!" The guy screams while showing me little expositions in his hands. I look at him with a deadpanned expression "Wow a little firework quirk soooo cool. Ah yes, I can see a kid running up to his mom 'Mommy, mommy I want to see the famous firework hero Sparky!' Also, for your information you know I had recommendations for the hero course, right? And I got them from the principal himself. I just decide to decline though, I have better things to do than to run around in a costume and pretend I'm a hero." I say the first part with sarcasm and in the ending part I say a little quitter since I still hate talking about the recommendations. I look away from him and out of the window, I can tell he is staring at me and I hear him mumble a simple little "oh" and he goes quiet again.  "Why'd you decline to go to the best hero school in Japan? What are you quirkless or something?" He says in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. "What are you a detective or some shit like that I don't have to tell you my whole life story and shit I just told you that so you can shut up about you being 'so important' and shit like that!" I say snappily at him. "Oi! I was just trying to be nice and ask a simple fucking  question, so why don't you calm the fuck down and just answer my question!" "Hell to the no! I ain't going to tell you shit, you yelled at me for a good couple of minutes and then you try to be nice? I ain't going to tell you shit Bratty!" "Oi, that's not my fucking name shit head!" "well, shithead ain't my name either so why don't you shut up!" We both scream back and forth.

After yelling at each other for about 8 minutes I hear the bus driver yell the street name and I visibly relax when I realize that this is my stop. I quickly jump out of my seat and as I am about to exit the bus, I quickly say bye to the bus driver, Yuto, and hop off. As they start to drive off, I notice that the back window is open, and just as the bus passes me, I yell to the blond boy in the back with a sly smile waving ever so slightly "Hey, bratty I'll see you on the bus back!" I hear the kid yelling and a line of curse words as I walk away. As I turn the corner of the street, I think to myself 'I think taking the bus this year won't be as bad as I truly thought it would be' I say visibly grinning. 

𝓜𝔂 𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓛𝓮𝓶🏵𝓷  𝓑♡𝔂Where stories live. Discover now