The Siege of Remos Prime

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(Flashes Tv screen)

General Wachovia: As you all know, Remos Prime has only 7 settlements on the planet. But one of whom is the most strategic of all: Remos City! Whilst it's not the capital, it is as important as one! For it is the main HQ of the local pirate raiders! And our enemies have it as defended! With large amounts of troops and military equipment, it will be hard but we will prevail! The ships will bombard any outer defenses while the gunships land troops amongst these zones! Be advised that these zones hold fortified positions and heavy weapons such as artillery! So you will need to capture them if we have any hope of securing the settlements! Also, some locals have pledged themselves to the pirates so you may face with undercover pirate agents and local militias!

(Soldiers mutter amongst themselves)

General Wachovia: While we take all smaller settlements and defenses, our main focus should be on the main settlement. Heavily protected and has a pirate fort that provides a supply line to the pirate raiders! Teams 1,8,and 22: Your mission is to capture the fort and sever enemy supplies to the settlement! Once we capture the forts and outskirts, all forces will charge in the city and capture the Governor thus ending our campaign! Sound good?

All: Sir Yes sir!!!

General Wachovia: Then get some rest men, because tomorrow, you will be a part of the biggest fight in your lives! Dismissed


Alimeru: I can't believe it. Our first ground campaign and we are liberating a planet from pirates! I don't know if I should be excited about this or terrified.

Era: Well whatever happens, let's hope it just gets us one step closer to peace.

Soli: Yeah. I hope so too.

(The next day)

PA System: Attention all personnel! The liberation mission is about to commence! All troops, head to your assigned squads immediately!

PDC Commander: Alright men! Today is the day! We are to liberate Remos Prime from the insurgents! Just remember the plan and stick to it! And remember your training!

PDC Pilot: We are ready to go! Everyone load up!!!

PDC Soldier: Let's move!!!

PDC Soldier 2: Go go go!!!

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Galaxy: A Space Adventure حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن