vertin: understood director...

...the one who is known as ms. Z is now sending in the much-needed resources to assist then in the search, as the strange boy who they have met in the streets in somewhere within the streets Ireland, in a town somewhere close to the mountains...where she hears of the boy's physical descriptions thanks to him giving away his ID and accidentally leaving it with them...


sekiei pov:

with him keeping a low profile with that not being an easy thing to do in a tight place, hoping that time period like this one could simply be a crude joke, or just simply in other words, he is being hurled to another time, at least, with him keeping his hoodie up, trying to keep a really low profile among the thick crowd... and stopping where he has made it to a small cafe of sorts, but at least he could get something to eat and then make a quick getaway out of there before paying... 

sekiei: oh good! something to eat!

 ...he walked towards the little shop that sells small pastries, heading inside of it hoping to get a fill to recharge his stomach, and move on to find this st. pavlov foundation that he needs to get the help that he needs, as he looks over the tables and can clearly see that it is clearly full form what he can see...

???: pssst!...over here! pssst!

...he ignored the obvious red flag of someone trying to get his attention, where he resumed to look over the other tables, to see if one of them is vacant...but if only he wasn't having his attention grappled onto by someone who is also in the same building as he is...with a very pronounced accent can even be heard, where is being forced to sit down on a chair, so much for keeping a low profile... 

???: get over here! i want a word with you!

...the boy can't catch a break after getting a random run-in with a strange man with strange powers that trapped him when he was having his guard down...

sekiei: huh?...

...and after getting hurled back all the way to the earliest parts of the year1999, he hasn't got any rest, and now he is bieng grabbed by some girl with a pretty strong and very pronounced french accent ...

and after getting hurled back all the way to the earliest parts of the year1999, he hasn't got any rest, and now he is bieng grabbed by some girl with a pretty strong and very pronounced french accent

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain. she is still in the middle of her meal in the cafe, and she is looking at him as if he is doing something wrong, but on the other side, she looks like that she wants to talk to him in the meantime...

???: now, since i have won in finding you, i might as well send you off on your way then!

...he is now feeling vulnerable, as a jujutsu sorcerer, who can level a skyscraper of all things, and now he is at the mercy of a girl who has managed to trapped him in his seat by unknown methods, that he didn't know of at the unable to get up form the response that is the consciquence of him being unable to flee from the situation itself...

reversal of the jade obsidian [Jujutsu kaisen X reverse 1999]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang