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A/N okay so uhmm I was only requested to do a Lampfected fic (because I love them, yes) but I also wanna work my trans Kasper hc into something so heres a silly fic about him coming out to Lampert while they're like already dating ;p
making up a fake deadname to use in this just in case any1 gets confused (am I allowed to do that? I'm trans, does it give me an excuse or is it not allowed I feel like I saw a lot of people getting shit on in 2021 in the genshin fandom for making up deadnmaes for fics but then again like that was the genshin fandom, anyway I'll stop rambling now)
(also it feels wrong using she when refering to infected but bear with me please)



It was a long morning, but it felt like minutes. Lampert had spent it with his Girlfriend, she had been excitedly showing him skateboard tricks she had learned, Lampert didn't fully understand them or why she was so excited to show him them, but he would listen to her ramble, or watch as she practiced a trick, and cheer when she succeeded at it.
It was one of Lamperts favourite activities, Issy (his girlfriend) was especially talented when it came to a skateboard, that made up for her lack of talent in maths and other school subjects, but it was okay, because it meant Lampert and her could study together, and he also loved doing that with her. Because thats what he was skilled in, other than cleaning, he was pretty good at most school subjects.

"hey Lampy!" she called, waving her hand in the air as she placed her board on the floor, "watch me do a kickflip!" she grinned and stepped onto it, it took a moment for Lampert to process what she had said, but he responded quickly when he did, "I thought you couldn't do a—"

she attempted it as he spoke, and fell down onto the floor, slipping on the skateboard.
"..kickflip.." Lampert sighed and approached her side to help her, but she quickly shot up. "did you see that?! I almost had it!" She fixed her scruffy, short hair and grinned, a sparkle in her eye.
"yep. And I'm sure you'll land probably next time, too Issy!" Lampert held his hand out for her and helped her up, he couldnt help but notice her cringe slightly when he called her by her name, but chose not to question it.
"augh, man, I'm starvingg!" she dusted herself off and groaned out, "can we head back to yours?" she kicked her board up and grabbed it in her hands, giving lampert a smile.

Lampert nodded, "yeah, of course! My dads should be out right now.. Marks at work and Wallter— well you know him." he rolled his eyes.
Issy nodded knowingly, then her face lit up and she shoved her skateboard in Lamperts hands, "race ya back!" she grinned, Lamperts house wasn't far from the skatepark they were at.
"wh- huh?!" Lampert fumbled with the skateboard as his girlfriend had already began to ran off, "ghehe-.. get back here!" he giggled and chased after her.

surprisingly, Lampert made it back to the house first. Issy caught up to him a minute after he had arrived, out of breath and exhausted.
"how-.." she gasped for air, "hOw are you so fast?!"
Lampert giggled and handed her back her skateboard, "I am when I have to be."
He rummaged around in his pocket for his home key, and promptly unlocked and opened the door.
"you really need to join the racing club at school," issy started, wiping her feet on the mat outside of Lamperts house before walking in after him, "you'd totally destroy those other dweebs in one minute!" she propped her skateboard up on the shoe-stand that was by the door, and removed her shoes.

Lampert already had his off, as he was very used to doing this and did it quite fast.
He hummed in response to what Issy had said, and shrugged, "maybe.. but I enjoy spending my afternoons cleaning more than I would enjoy them running." He sat down in the living room, Issy followed him and sat on the arm of the couch, "you know this." Lampert gave her a look as if to say 'sit like a normal person.'

REGRETEVATOR ONESHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ