.𖥔 ݁ ˖ rivals - park gunwook | pt.2

Start from the beginning

Gunwook scoffs as he can't argue with that. He slides on his sit and unbuttoned his sleeves, then rolling them up. That caught your attention. He looked relaxed and sickeningly handsome that you feel your face hot. His slicked backed hair and single strand on his forehead gave him a matured look that you failed to notice all these years. He puts the water glass on to his plump lips that you realized you are finding him attractive which was never the plan.

"So... do you know this Yongeun girl?" You asked out of nowhere.

Gunwook shakes his head. "Nope. I only heard she is really pretty and smart."

You sit upright all of a sudden. Your action is even startling you.

"I bet she is," you quietly say.

"And why is that?" He says, propping his arms on the table. He felt closer even if there's a good distance between you two. His eyes pierces through you while smirk plays on his plump lips. God, you just can't stop thinking about his lips.

"Your mom had great taste, that's why." You take your glass and take a small sip.

"And that's why she chose you?" He says. Even if he is sitting still, you felt like he is getting closer.

You feel your cheeks heating up. "Why... why do you say so?"

"Look at us," he says nonchalantly. "You know what."

You shrugged as if this all didn't make sense to you the moment you set a foot in the restaurant alone. "Maybe it's because she realized we don't like each other so she thought we could work it out this way?"

Gunwook frowns. "We hate each other?" He asks, acting hurt.

You rolled your eyes again. "No, we are besties."

"That's what I'm saying," he says.

As you eat dinner, you realize this is the longest you tolerated him. Maybe it's because he looked radiant. Or maybe it's because of the lips (seriously, stop with the lips.) Or maybe it's because hes not picking fight...

"You got something to say?" He says without looking at you.

You shake your heads. "No. You?"

"I wasn't offering you bread or something. You're not supposed to ask me back."

"I hate having dinner with you, just so you know," you say, stabbing the meat with your chopstick.

"Not getting used to it already?"


He says nothing as he eats his food. Even after you cleared your meal, he says nothing. He just keeps looking at you.

"I'm sorry is there something on my face?" You touched your face.

"You look... different today," he says thoughtfully.

You resisted to roll your eyes. "Just say what you want," you snarled.

"You look pretty," he said and leaned back on his chair.

Squinting your eyes, you try to look at him suspiciously. You know Gunwook doesn't do anything unless it's gonna piss you off somehow. And he wouldn't call you pretty if there's nothing on your face.

You pull out your phone, your eyes glaring at him. You look at your face but find nothing.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Sure is," he says.

"You're weird, Park Gunwook."

"Because I called you pretty?"

𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗟𝗗 (zb1, riize, boynextdoor imagines)Where stories live. Discover now