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The next day, it was late morning. Farhan was getting his wound dressed by his mom in his room. It was deeper than he had expected and was painful.

Farhan hissed in pain as he felt a searing pain in his palm as his mom was doing the dressing. He closed his eyes as his mom continued removing the bandage. It was more painful than he felt at night. His mom looked at him worriedly. She took a a cotton and gently started cleaning the wound. The antiseptic was burning. Finally she finished his dressing and gently kissed his hand, Farhan looked at his mother and smiled.

"I think you should go see a a doctor dear" You know I would asked your dad , but unfortunately he is not here, " said his mom.

"No mom, I don't really think, a doctor is needed. I am fine"

"Farhan" said his mom stressing on his name, and raising her voice with a look in her eyes that clearly said that her decision could not be challenged.

"Okay fine , I will go" said Farhan defeatedly. "But in the evening , not now Mom. Please"

"Farhan you know it is futile arguing with me, you are going right now. Quickly come down and have your lunch and then rush offf at the hospital.

The death glare that his mother gave him was more than enough to silence him. He meekly nodded in obedience as his mother gave a satisfied smile, and followed her to the dining table.


Since the past half an hour, Urwa was sitting in front of her plate with her food untouched. She was just staring at he plate and playing with her spoon. She just couldn't get herself to eat. How could she ? The email she recieved yesterday, followed by a phone call receiver by her an her manager this morning had perturbed her peace. A wave of anxiety had taken over her. The only question hovering in her mind right now was her response to that call.

The previous evening she had received an email from one of the best directors of their industry, an email from Shahid Shafaat regarding an upcoming project in which she could be a part of. It was his assistant in the morning who had asked her to come to the director's office for the narration and some discussion regarding the project. Her manager informed her that she would have to go the production house office in the afternoon and meet the director and team for the first meeting. Now meeting Shahid wasn't the problem, but the project was very much a problem.

The thing was, a year or two back Urwa had signed a contract for a fresh new script with Shahid under the MD production house, with her starring as the female lead of the show. But due to the pandemic, that project had been almost scrapped, but now suddenly the project had been revived, and as per the contract conditions Urwa would be stepping in her role as the lead actress. Sounds simple and great doesn't it ? But these days nothing in her life was uncomplicated

It would have been nothing less than a perfect opportunity for her, especially since she had recently made a comeback on the screen after her her hiatus as an actor from the screen, which she had gone on, to focus as a producer. And It had now left her with limited choices of scripts. So this new script would have been a great way to connect to her audiences, as it was very different from her recent projects. But there was a slight, err major major problem.

She had signed the project with her then partner, Farhan Saeed as the male lead. But little would she know at that time, the major reason she had been looking forward to work in the project was today going to be the reason, she was going to reject the offer and break the contract. At present, She really wished that she would have known at that time, what the future held for her.

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