The Returning

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I thought it'd all be gone by now
The heart wrenching pain that has consumed, drained, and wrung out all of my emotions
It has beaten me down and worn me out, hung me up on the line so that I have become nothing but the driest collection of bones you had ever crossed paths with.
I thought it was gone, what I had once shoved deep deep down and under the hollowed out spaces between falsified sanity and ruptured grace.
But oh, was I wrong.
Just as the words had left my lips everything had came rushing back in bits and pieces and then in times I so desperately have tried to forget.
I'll forget for months sometimes, but then it'll all return.
It'll return and just as I'm getting better, I then get worse.
And I'm back to the beginning once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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