Butterflies; Encapsulating.

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Both of you are strolling around a wedding, totally bored. The venue separates the guests by gender, so you can't tell how much he wants to gtfo of this shithole where only the boomers seem to be enjoying themselves. The occasional yelling of those devil-like crotch fruits annoys you further, and you decide to call him up.

"Hey," you greet as soon as the call connects.

"I'm bored," he says without bothering with greetings.

"Ugh, tell me about it," you groan in agreement.

"There are a million places I'd rather be, and a wedding is not one of them," he exhales.

"Take me to one of th-" you abruptly halt the conversation and yank the phone away from your ear as you spot 'that aunt' making her way toward you.

"Hi, Karen," you mutter under your breath, mentally tagging her with the stereotypical name for her annoying tendencies

"Hi, kiddo. How are you and your husband?" Karen chirps as she settles into a nearby chair.
"We're good. What about you?" you respond in a monotone voice, bracing yourself for the inevitable chatter

"We're good. Remember that time blah blah blah....." she launches into a detailed recollection of your past, expressing her eagerness to meet your nonexistent children. You nod at her blabber every now and then, avoiding direct eye contact and silently wishing for a distraction. After what feels like an eternity, your phone suddenly vibrates in your clutch. Hastily, you pull it out and hold it up to your ear.

"Hi again-oh wait," signaling Karen with a not-so-sorry-but-sorry glance, you make your way to a slightly quieter corner to answer the call.

"Dude, I can't handle this crap anymore. Come get me ASAP!" you order him, the frustration evident in your tone.

"Why?" he questions, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"Just do it."

"Alright, alright, I'll grab my car. Wait at the third exit," he retorts. You perk up slightly, bidding a rushed goodbye to your closer family before rushing out of the venue. After a brief wait, you spot his car pulling up.

Hopping in, you adjust your dress for comfort and scoff. "What are you waiting for? Your grandma? Drive!"

"Jeez, leave her out of this woman," he chuckles, pulling away. You relax, flipping on the radio and freeing your hair from its tight bun while massaging your temples.

"Why'd you hang up like that?" he asks, glancing over.

"That nasty piece of work, you-know-who, came by."

"Karen?" he guesses.

"Who else?" you reply, meeting his gaze.

"Right, Karen. Where to?" he asks, refocusing on the road ahead.

"How about one of your 'millions of places you'd rather be than the wedding' perhaps?" you suggest with a smirk.

He lets out a laugh. "Alright, bet."

He veers the car away from the bustling city and toward the beach. Gradually, the air grows cooler, and the distant sound of waves fills the atmosphere. "Ooh, the beach!😲Nice," you chuckle as the car comes to a halt on the sand. Eagerly, you try the door handle, only to find it locked.

With a mischievous grin, he exits the car and walks over to your side. Playing along, you extend your hand as he opens the door. He takes your hand in his, planting a gentle kiss on your palm as he helps you out, closing the door behind you.

Unable to contain yourselves any longer, you both burst into fits of ugly snorting laughter as the cool, salty breeze tousles your hair.

Recovering from the cringe moment, you rest your back against the side of the car and cross your legs, finding solace in the quiet moment. He mirrors your posture, settling in right beside you.

"This is so calming," you breathe in, closing your eyes and letting the peacefulness of the beach wash over you.

"It sure is," he replies, his voice carrying the same sense of peace.

You open your eyes to find him looking right at you, bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight, which accentuates his features in a way that makes him look immaculate. Your face flushes at the sight, and awkwardness settles in.

"What?" you ask in a dry tone, attempting to break the tension.

He doesn't reply but continues to hold your gaze, his eyes locked onto yours. Feeling uneasy, you look away, only for him to suddenly grab your waist and pull you close into his frame. You gasp, caught off guard by the sudden embrace.

As he pulls away slightly, his gaze shifts to your lips, and you both realize the intensity of the moment. In response, you instinctively tiptoe, gripping his shoulders as the distance between your faces rapidly decreases.

As your lips tentatively seek each other, the air crackles with anticipation. At first, the connection is gentle, a delicate exploration of desire. Then, with mounting intensity, passion ignites between you, setting your senses ablaze Lost in the moment, You try to draw closer, but your calves begin to weaken beneath you.

Not wanting to break the nullifying contact, he sweeps you up by the waist, guiding you onto the hood of the car. His hands find solid ground on either side of your body, anchoring you in the intensity of passion. You cup his jaw tenderly as he leans in, his lips seeking yours with a fervor that mirrors your own.

In this moonlit embrace, time seems to stand still as the world melts away, leaving only the intoxicating warmth of your shared desire.

Both of you pull away, satisfied from the moment, your eyes never escape his as your warm breaths bleed into one another.

"I love you," he says, panting.

Kissing his forehead, you rest your head on his shoulder. "I love you too," you whisper into his ear, your lips brushing against his neck.


OMFG, I spent so much time on this like huh???
anywaysss, hope y'all like thiss.
Yk what really scares me? the fact that if I ever die, my family will access my wattpad account, and damn would that be embarrassing asff but I won't be alive so it's whatever, but still scary.

[Also, I have personal beef with aunt karen, ofc that ain't her real name and she never asked me to reproduce for her sake but the way she talks is fucking annoying.]

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