les startino valentino

58 7 13

Your partner (preferably male), wakes up in the middle of the night, and starts crying.

"what happened?" you ask him as you rub your eyes cuz you were fucking sleeping peacefully.

*gasp*"you- nothing" he says wiping his tears frantically and looking away.

"Hey" you grab his shoulder and turn his torso towards you "you know you can tell me anything ryt?"

He refuses to speak up and just looks at the bedpost or something. (remember, all this was imagined by me when i was on the brink of consciousness🙄 ) you hug his half turned torso tight and speak into his neck

"Tell me, i'll listen", he turns his head to look at your face as he sniffles. "come on start- wait, here" you crawl over to your bedside and pour a glass of water for him. You hand him the glass and he gulps it down like a dehydrated subway rat. You look at him in the way lord faquard looks at fiona.

"i- um, you won't judge me and this won't change anything between us ryt?" he looks at you, vulnerability lacing his brittle words. "no- silly no i won't, why'd you even think that?"

"i'm sorry, so uhm-" he hesitates to start.

"oh my lawrd spill it dude" you splurt since you wanna go back to sleep

"i get bad nightmares, like really bad, this was from the trauma from ig my friend's death, he-he died due to rabies when ourneighbour'sdogbithimandhe -", he struggles to speak, out of breath. You get off the bed, leaving him alone in the voiceless night. Walking into the connecting bathroom, you grab a face towel and run it under skin burning hot water.🔥🔥

you walk back and stand in front of him as he looks ahead into the darkness. Turning on the soft bedside lamp, you look back at him, his face is droopy and he looks out of focus. You grab his jaw and tilt his face upwards. (I'M DYING OF CRINGEEEE BFHBRFHBRFBRFNB)

Gently, you wipe his tears with the warm soothing cloth as he looks up at you, flabbergasted. "you should've told me this before, no?"

"i was worried that you'd hate me for ruining your sleep since i wake up everyday like this" he answers

"i still am fucking angry at you, just not for the same reason"


"nvm that" you brush it off. "go back to sleep, c'mon"

you lay him down and hold him close as both of you drift off into the sweet sweet world of nightmares and dreams


here's a question to y'all: do bald people feel more cold than normal people? if yes/no why?

my take on the question is, yes, bald people do feel more cold than the average hairy adult foetus. But here's the thing, is it cuz they have more surface area to feel cold? cuz like they do technically have more area but like aren't hair dead? so shouldn't hair be cold too? since dead bodies go cold? why do we even have hair on our head? is their sole purpose to stick into people's butts?

wtf am i doing? i have finals starting next week and i get this sudden hit of inspiration to write all this like whyyyyyy???? i literally tried ghosting wattpad cuz it's distracting as hell, but here i am, checking 50+ comments from the last 3-4 days😭😭

scenarios that help me sleep at nightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant