Regulations or Humankind?- 001

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Kaldo and Amaia heading Patrolling near the Magic Bureau.

"Hey Maia-chan, see that ice cream parlour?" Kaldo pinpointing the place with his pointer finger for Amaia to see what he is talking about.

"Yeah, so what?" The girl stopping on her tracks seemingly observing the ice cream parlour.

"Let's go try some of their flavours.." Kaldo pauses.

"While we ditch our patrolling" Whispered by him.

"... It's not ditching, we're just- taking a break from work y'know..." The girl sighed. Looking from her line of sight, She saw a rather tall and unique ( though familiar) man that's color of hair is the same shade of brown.

"That's Orter Madl, the sand cane right?" Kaldo points out. Amaia just sighed. 'I know this guy is older than me but... Why do he acts like a *beep* child? Can't he just be matured?' She facepalmed. "No wonder why you are single..." Amaia mumbles. "Did you say anything?"

" I said that...You're literally stating the obvious..." 'But i thought i heard 8 syllables from her...?, probably just my imagination from thinking about that frozen dessert...'

The girl being dumbfounded took an interest on the sand cane as he, himself is rather... Blinded by the law...

"Let me watch this man real quick..." Amaia sits on a chair while she watches the scene that is about to be unfolded.

A Child, walking happily with her ice cream... Was tripped by no other than (🥁🥁🥁) Orter Madl!!!- The little girl's dessert was dropped on the floor making the girl cry. She looked up on whoever she bumped with. Knowing she bumped on a divine visionary, she ofcourse apologized. Stream of waters flowing out of the child's eyes even more. However, the man himself was not bothered by the situation at all (not manly)...

Kaldo runs to the little child ready to comfort her, offering the child with another ice cream with his money, the two we're left alone.

Amaia steps Infront of Orter giving themselves a good look of each other's stoic faces.

"You should atleast try to either help or comfort that poor child.."

Orter pauses for a moment trying to think of his right words.

"Why should i do so? If it is for the reason that it was a child then choose another person to lecture. Thus she was the one who wasn't paying attention on where she is going-"

The man was slapped by the girl Infront of him, shadows forming beneath of her forehead telling him to not to take it far anymore.

"Do you really care that much of the regulations... To the point that you, of all of the Divine Visionaries will forget what is the purpose of the rules? I hope you understood that a part of the instructions that were handed to us, law not just created for us to follow it but to also protect the humanity. It is incredibly embarrassing that a Divine Visionary like you misunderstood our duties as a member of the Magic bureau." Amaia states coldly.

Orter solaces from this conversation of them at the moment that he just remained calm moreover being unaffected by her. Walking away was his only option for he doesn't want to add more fuel to the fire inside her, as follows he had to attend the new Divine Visionary's selection exam.

Kaldo came back fearing what he saw just a moment ago. 'My cousin is awfully good at lecturing others, though she is sometimes pretty messed up with her wrath towards the people she is lecturing...'

"How did it go?" Kaldo sweats seeing the intimidating  aura that was surrounding her.

The girl takes a deep breath calming herself down.

"Let's not talk about that, the Headmaster told us to go to the Examination."

"He did?"

"Pfft-Are you just that forgetful... Do-chan?"


Written by: meowz:)

I-- I'm basically trying to level up my grammar cuz i don't want it to be boring... I am very sorry if there are other unfamiliar words...

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