28| Abortion or miscarriage

Start from the beginning

A tense silence enveloped the room until Kabir, breaking the deadlock, declared,

"I want to marry your daughter this month only," leaving no room for discussion or hesitation.

Arzel cursed under his breath, whispering his disapproval to Kabir for not allowing them time to process the proposal.

As Kabir stormed off, leaving the room in a cloud of tension, Arzel clenched his jaw, struggling to contain his simmering anger.

both Arzel and Kabir had mishandled the delicate matter.

Zahra's parents, understanding the weight of Arzel's authority and the implications of his displeasure, remained silent, their eyes cast downward in acknowledgment of his power.

With a sense of finality, Arzel rose from the sofa, and the others followed suit, unsure of his next move. Zaniyah, feeling a pang of guilt for the chaos that had unfolded, offered a slight apology.

"I'm sorry for Kabir's behavior," she murmured softly, her eyes downcast.

Arzel, maintaining his composure, addressed Zahra's parents with a measured tone.

"Take your time to think about it and contact Zaniyah as soon as possible," he instructed, his words carrying the weight of authority and expectation.

Zahra's parents nodded in understanding, .

Arzel then took Zaniyah's hand, as they left the room together,

Zahra's mind reeled in shock and confusion at Kabir's abrupt statement.

her words barely audible amidst the chaos of her thoughts.

"Mumma, whatever you both will decide for me... I'll accept it, because I have no problem in all these," she whispered softly,

She knows if she'll reject him, he'll do anything to get her

As Kabir stood beside his car, awaiting the couple's exit, Arzel emerged from Zahra's house, his face a mask of simmering rage.

He told Kabir accountable time for the chaos he had unleashed.

She knew the extent of Arzel's anger and feared the consequences of his fury.

"Get inside the car, Zaniyah," Arzel commanded, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere with steely resolve.

Trembling with fear, Zaniyah nodded in compliance, but before she could obey, she leaned close to Arzel.

"Please don't do anything right now, please," she pleaded,

Arzel's gaze softened as he met Zaniyah's eyes, With a heavy heart, he nodded

Closing all the windows of the car, Arzel sealed off the outside world,

The tension outside the car was palpable as Arzel's anger boiled over, his words laced with fury as he confronted Kabir.

"Chutiya hai kya tu!" Arzel's voice reverberated with rage, his frustration unleashed in a torrent of expletives.

"You know that they need fucking time, but still you dare to say those fucking things!"
Arzel's voice rose, his restraint slipping as his sanity teetered on the edge.

"She's fucking yours, Kabir, but you just have to wait calmly. Why do you want to marry this month only? ANY SPECIFIC FUCKING REASON?!" Arzel seethed, his fists clenched with the urge to strike out in anger.

"Why did you marry Zaniyah so early? Why did you kidnap her and CAGE HER IN YOUR FUCKING TERRITORY?!" Kabir's words only fueled Arzel's rage,

"There's. A. Difference. Between. Your. Fucking. Situation," Arzel emphasized each word with a bang on the car,

"Zahra wants to complete her law, and it'll take more than 1 year to complete it. And one year is something I can't wait because I know she'll say no to this marriage because of her study,"
Kabir explained.

"So, after marriage, she's allowed to study but in Mumbai under my presence," Kabir clarified, but Arzel's mind remained clouded with doubt

"I'm going home. Handle meetings... and meet me at night at the warehouse," Arzel declared, his tone firm as he exited the car,

As Arzel settled into the driver's seat, his gaze softened as he glanced towards Zaniyah, her eyes closed, he reached out, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear,

Arzel pulled away from the tumultuous scene behind them.

As the night deepened to 10 o'clock, Zaniyah couldn't help but question Arzel's "aisi konsi meeting hai aapki"
she watched him brush his wet hair. Her glare bore into him, demanding an explanation for the unusual hour.

Arzel grinned at her inquiry,

Zaniyah, hands placed firmly on her side waist stood near the mirror, her concern evident in her expression.

"Cancel it, please," she implored, her eyes pleading as she appealed to him with her best puppy-gaze.

Arzel, sensing her reluctance, handed her his tie, a silent gesture indicating that he couldn't cancel the meeting. Zaniyah, frustrated by his response, ignored his actions, as she retreated to the side of the bed.

"I'll be back in 1 hour," Arzel assured her, her gaze fixed on the bedside table as she prepared to retire for the night.

"Leave," she commanded, clutching the quilt tightly as she settled in for sleep.

Arzel, unwilling to leave her side, approached her,

Though he had no desire to wear formal attire, the lie compelled him to fulfill his commitments.

"It's important," he reiterated,

Zaniyah nodded, her eyes closed in resignation as she accepted his explanation.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in 1 hour, promise," Arzel reassured her, his voice laced with sincerity as he sought to ease her worries.

he asked, "So tell me what you want, I'll bring that?"

Zaniyah turned to him, her gaze meeting his as she whispered softly,

"You. Just You"
A smile spread across Arzel's face as he kissed her forehead tenderly, promising to return.

The woman instructed with authority, "Call Arzel London for a meeting, and I'll handle Zaniyah this time on my own."

"Okay ma-"
Interrupting the man's response, she dropped the bombshell, "Zaniyah is pregnant. Arzel's child will be at my mercy now."

In a chilling tone, she ordered, "Prepare a special doctor for Zaniyah's abortion, or we can say, miscarriage." The weight of her words hung heavy in the air,

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