A merlin in need is a merlin indeed

Beginne am Anfang

I move forward to tie him up. I look outside to see how my pack was faring. No casualties. Just injuries. How weak was night stalker pack? I shook my head but when i saw the beta he smiled happily as we locked eyes. He started walking towards me. When i looked behind him i saw a archer up in the trees aiming to shoot him. I growl. I feel my eyes turning a strange color of purple as i lose control of my body. 

The beta freezes in his spot as he notices my change of behaviour. He turns around and spots the archer. The archer suddenly shot the arrow. Right as it was about to hit the beta. I raised my hand and shot a blast of energy at that arrow. It dissolved into ashes before it could touch him. Shocked, the archer climbed down the tree trying to escape. But i ran towards him activating my werewolf speed and punched him. 

When i turned around my eyes were back to my emerald green color as i looked around to see all eyes on me filled with shock and disbelief. I suddenly see rowan and ariana standing with aziel. Their eyes were also on me shocked. I tried to recall my memories of what i did to  get them so shocked but it was all a blur. I raised a brow and asked.

''What the hell did i just do that your all standing there looking at me? We didnt have any casualties. Just injuries. So chill.'' I said.

''Did you not see what you just did?'' I heard a voice behind me to see jaxton.

Everybody bowed down at the sight of him but then rowan said.

''Get up everybody, shows over. Gather around all the night stalker pack wolves. Throw them in the dungeons.'' His voice gruff and laced with annoyance.

''So?'' I looked at them waiting for an explanation.

''Alaina and asher are inside our mansion house looking for us we'll go there and talk'' Aziel says.

I look at ariana confused. She shrugs and moves towards me. She puts an arm around my shoulder and walks me to the mansion house as we talk about yesterday. She talked about the tension between jaxton and alaina. It was really concering judging the way she said it. Its like she's forgetting that her mate is asher and avoiding that topic to the best of her ability. 

''Finally you guys are here. I have the CCTV footage of what happened. And damn did you slay that fight out perfectly, diana'' I heard alaina say. I look at her carefully. She looks as stunning as she did when i last saw her. I rushed forward and tackled her in a hug.

''Alright what kind of abuse will i be getting now? Because last time i accepted your hugs i got flung across a room and crashed into a wall!'' She complains playfully.

''Im so sorry about yesterday alaina! I really didnt mean it i just panicked. Im not ready to open up to people about my past and i didnt mind you searching my memories when i was a baby. But that would mean going through my childhood memories too and i didnt need another person to pity me. I have recieved enough of it'' I said in a rapping format trying to apologize for my huge mistake.

She chuckles and says ''I've been in your position before,diana. No merlin is destined to have a easy life. I would never pity on you because i know how tough you are. I would be shocked how you managed to stay with such pricks.'' 

Everybody around us starts laughing as i smile and hug her gently once again. 

''Alright now can we please get back to the topic at hand? What exactly is diana?'' Rowan asks quizzingly.

''Well depending on the powers she's displayed. She isnt a merlin. Shes an amorai.''

''Arent those myths?'' Asher asks.

''Arent merlins a myth?'' Alaina asks while rolling her eyes.

''Fair point.'' 

''Hold up! Whats an amorai now?'' I whine and ask.

''An amorai is basically a half vampire,half werewolf,half witch/warlock. Basically a mixture of all 3 dominant magical species. Amorai's enhance and mix all the powers and habits that these 3 species have. They're said to be extinct. They match the power of a lycan as well. But lycans dont have warlock magic like amorai. Their magic is more dark magic. Yours can be dark or light. There's a difference. As to why we werent able to recognize your aura is because your not a merlin. Also because somebody must have cloaked your aura and replaced it for beta female one. Which i assume was your position in night stalker pack before you left'' Ariana explains.

All of us look shockingly at ariana. Our jaws hanging wide open. She opens her eyes after shes done explaining and looks at us with an amused expression. 

''Just because im pretty outgoing and sweethearted doesnt mean im bad at mythology and reading books, ok?'' She says.

''Definitely'' ''Uh huh'' ''Sure'' are the responses she got from all of us as we all smiled. 

She rolled her eyes. 

''So who do you think cloaked diana's aura?'' Jaxtons asks breaking the moment of laughter and tension that was once in the room reappears.

''Must have been one of my old pack members. But now their pack is basically extinct.'' I said bored.

''Did any of you capture logan though?'' 

''I did. But he must have escaped because he wasnt there when i saw the beta rounding up the prisioners.'' I reply to aziel's question.

''Wait where did alaina go?'' Rowan asks.

''Must have gone out for a stroll or somewhere to relieve the inner tension she always holds up'' Asher says as jaxton growls.

''Sorry dude. You know i know your mate better'' Asher says cheekily.

''And i know your mate just fine too'' Jaxton says.

Both their eyes darken as their intense staring competition is broken down by ariana and asher smacking the 2 of them on their heads.

''Jaxton are you able to track alaina's scent?'' Ariana asks.

''No, Shes too far away to do that.'' 

Realization dawns on me. Suddenly my eyes turn purple once again. Purple energy starts flowing out of my hands as everybody turns to look at me. I run towards the porch. I sniff around carefully. The energy suddenly drifts away and my eyes turn back to normal as i ignore the tension behind my back and walk towards the woods.

''Diana where are you going?'' Ariana asks while following me.

''I smell something'' 

Ariana sniffs around and says '' I do too!' 

I went through a bush but no such luck. Suddenly i hear aziel shout.

''GUYS COME BACK TO THE PORCH THERES SOMETHING HERE.'' all of us rush back to the porch to see a arrow stuck out with a note hanging.

Rowan takes the arrow and removes the note from it. We all crowd around and our faces grow angrier and paler by the second as we finish reading what was written.






Another chapter finished!

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