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As I stepped out of the sports room, my cheeks burned with embarrassment, resembling a ripe tomato. I could feel my entire body trembling with a mixture of nerves and confusion. Rushing to the washroom, I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to cool the heat that had risen to my cheeks.

Taking a few deep breaths to compose myself, I emerged from the washroom, but the turmoil inside me only seemed to intensify. This situation was far beyond my control, and I couldn't confide in Alex or anyone else about what had just transpired.

That infuriatingly handsome human had turned my world upside down, and I couldn't deny the feelings stirring within me, no matter how much I wanted to. It was a mess of emotions I couldn't untangle, and I felt utterly powerless to resist.

With each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into the chaos of my own mind, unsure of what to do or how to proceed. All I knew was that this forbidden attraction was consuming me, leaving me with more questions than answers

As Alex and I walked home from school, my mind was consumed by thoughts of Felix. I couldn't shake the memory of our moments together, each replaying in my mind like a broken record.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the world around me until Alex suggested we visit a nearby lake. Agreeing absentmindedly, we made our way across the bridge, the scenery passing by in a blur.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl appeared, holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers. I was taken aback by her gesture, wishing secretly that someone would do something so sweet for me. But when she handed me the flowers, calling me "princess," I felt a rush of embarrassment flood my cheeks.

Alex seemed entranced by her beauty, but I couldn't focus on anything except the heat rising in my face. "Yes, it's me, princess, again," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes. I felt like a tomato, ripe with embarrassment.

Reluctantly, I accepted the bouquet, noticing a card tucked among the flowers. With trembling hands, I opened it to find Felix's familiar handwriting, teasing me about my blush.

Feeling flustered, I took the flowers and continued walking, trying to calm my racing heart. As we sat by the tranquil lake, the soothing sound of the water helped to ease my mind, if only for a moment. But deep down, I knew that Felix's presence would continue to stir up a storm within me, no matter how hard I tried to resist.

The soothing sound of the water lulled me into a peaceful slumber, and before I knew it, morning had arrived. But something felt off as I woke up in my own bed, a letter clutched tightly in my hand. With a sense of trepidation, I unfolded it, my eyes widening in shock as I read Felix's words.

"You can't sleep beside a boy, especially in an open place like that, on the bare grass. You're going to receive your punishment today, princess."

A chill ran down my spine as I reread the note, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment once again. I knew I couldn't face school today, not with the threat of Felix's punishment looming over me.

Just as I made up my mind to stay home, I heard the sound of the door opening. Stepping out to investigate, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Alex standing there. At least I wasn't alone in this dilemma.

Alex's concern was evident in his voice as he asked me if I was okay. I assured him that I was fine, but he couldn't hide his worry. He scolded me for leaving without a word, expressing his fear that something had happened to me. His words stung, but deep down, I knew he cared.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to worry you," I apologized, feeling guilty for causing him distress.

After calming down, Alex warned me not to disappear like that again. He then went to freshen up and get ready for school, casting a concerned glance in my direction. I could see the conflict in his eyes as he asked if I was coming with him.

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