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In the summer of 1997 when I was 7, I almost drowned at the beach.

It was one of those summers where you watch a movie and things felt whimsical because you watched one movie about a group of kids going on a life-changing adventure you'd never go on yourself. You looked for magic in your daily life because even the smallest thing could be what led to you stumbling upon a new journey. My life-changing adventure movie? Free Willy, the movie about that foster kid and an orca. My aunt, a marine biologist, who showed me the movie always said the ocean was her greatest love. I got what she meant when I saw that movie. So that summer I spent at my aunt's place in Enoshima was the summer I decided I'd go on some sort of adventure myself.

My expectation? Freeing Mina the beluga whale and swimming on her back to wherever the beluga whales came from. I would have even taken Kukki the dugong who I sometimes fed extra fish to when no one was looking.

What I actually got? Getting caught up in an undertow at Higashihama Beach.

Yeah, not my dream summer experience.

Undertow wasn't a concept foreign to me at that time. Auntie warned me all about itー about how sometimes the currents below and above the surface went in separate directions.

"Don't fight it when that happens," she told me. "You'll tire yourself out and drown. I know it'll be scary but if you ever get caught in undertow, don't fight. Go with the current and once it subsides, that's when you swim back."

That advice was far from my mind when I actually got caught in one though.

I screamed and thrashed and fought and fought, I probably pissed in the water twice too to boot.

And yet ー and I'm not entirely sure why ー a calm suddenly fell over me and I remembered Auntie's words.

It would be scary, but don't fight it.

Five minutes later, I swam back to shore and cried for ten minutes while my aunt held me.

Scary was one hell of an understatement.

I swore up and down I'd never go to the beach again. I never wanted to feel that scared again, never ever. My aunt didn't disparage me for it, though. Didn't tell me to toughen up. She simply took me to get shaved ice when I calmed down; said when you conquer your fear and come out on top, you should always treat yourself to something nice.

"It's okay to be scared, [First]," she smiled softly. "Some people might say otherwise, but you know something, Auntie doesn't think fear is a bad thing. Fear can be really good sometimes. Fear is what tells you not to do something that could lead to you getting hurt. It teaches you when not to do something stupid or dangerous. Sometimes, fear is what you should listen to instead of the 'what if things actually go right's. Fear only becomes bad when there's too much of it. When you let being scared rule your life so you don't live it.

"So it's okay to be scared. Just promise auntie that you won't let fear stop you from moving forward. Whether it's rejection, worries a leap of faith will lead to you falling completely on your ass or that it might not be okay to say something when you know you should.

Live like you feel it and love like you mean it.

Don't let the fear get to you."

It took about a week before I was diving right back into the deep blue all over again.

Name: [Full Name] ♀
D/O/B: December 9, 1989
Age: 15

Sorcerer Lineage: Non-sorcerer lineage
Enrollment method: Scouted

Recruiter: Yaga MasamichiNotes: Student was encountered May 5, 2005 Testimony of the recruiter: At the site of XXXX High School's test of courage, a second grade curse appeared. [Last] activated her innate technique to protect herself and her fellow students and was able to keep the curse at a standstill until sorcerers arrived on the scene to exorcize the curse. While there were students injured, none of the injuries were fatal mostly due to [Last]'s quick application of her ability. According to the student, she began being able to utilize her innate technique around the age of 10.


Student's Innate Technique: Shields

"Rejection" Student's abilities manifest as her cursed energy condensing into an object that rejects negative events outside of it effectively, creating shields of various sizes. This ability is one that is purely defensive and does not seem to have any offensive capabilities. As it stands, should the student make timely progress during the initial stages of her enrollment during this first year ー should she not disenroll or meet an untimely end ー it isn't recommended to give her solo assignments.

Notes: "Rejection" is what the student in question chooses to refer to this ability as.

Interview Question Answer: "Why I want to enroll? Because I'm scared of this curse stuff."

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