chapter 3

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  Cha Hyeon Seok tried his best to hide his worries whenever he met Ruvimbo for their dance and music rehearsals. As they moved through the intricate steps together, he couldn't shake off the heavy burden that weighed on his mind. The thought of his sister and father alway filled his mind, he was scared cause he didn't want any thing to happen to his sister, because of her poor heart condition.

  Ruvimbo, on the other hand, noticed the change in Hyeon Seok's demeanor. She could see the sadness in his eyes and the tension in his movements. While she didn't know the exact reasons behind his distress, she empathized with him from a distance. She, too, was fighting her own battles and understood what it felt like to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  Despite their shared struggles, Hyeon Seok and Ruvimbo rarely spoke to each other outside of their rehearsals. Their conversations were limited to necessary instructions and feedback on their routines. The choreographers and other members of the team noticed the growing distance between them, but none dared to breach the unspoken barrier that seemed to surround the two.

  Meanwhile, at J Maria's hospital, a sense of urgency filled the air as a patient was rushed in on a stretcher. The nurses sprang into action, surrounding the patient with a sense of urgency. The patient's mother, Mrs. Johnson, could barely contain her emotions as she followed the medical team into the emergency room. A friend of the family, Jake, tried to console her, reminding her to stay strong for her son, Mike.
"it would be alright" jake said trying to calm her down, jake has been the only male friend Mike has since he was diagnosed of cancer, he has always been there for him, to Mike, jake was the realest, because all his friends left him when they knew he was ill and those who stayed needed something from him.

Mike had been battling cancer for some time now, and this hospital visit marked the second emergency in as many weeks. Mrs. Johnson held onto the hope that her son would pull through once again, but the weight of uncertainty pressed down on her.

"Yes, my boy will be fine" she assured herself as jake helped her to sit on a chair.

"Did you talk with kate?" She asked as soon as she sat down. "She isnt picking up and when i went to her house her mum said she left town." Jake replied.

As they waited for news on Mike's condition, the tension in the hospital room was palpable. Hours passed before the doctor finally emerged with a solemn expression on his face. Mrs. Johnson and Jake held their breath, waiting for his verdict.

"how is he?" Jake asked.

"He's a fighter, your boy," the doctor began, and Mrs. Johnson felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her. But the doctor's next words caused her heart to sink. "I can't say he's out of the woods yet, but he's awake."

"can we go'n see him?" Mrs Johnson asked.

"Yeah, sure, but you'll have to see me in my office later?"

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