Chapter 8: Revelation

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Author's POV

People were dancing to the music of the evening when the DJ was asked to stop. Taking the mic, Kabir states that the celebration today is not only the achievements of Rathod Enterprises; but it's a bit personal as well. For many businessmen, this year has been quite the rollercoaster, and amidst it all, we sometimes forget that we also have personal lives. After getting sidetracked by work, I want the girl of my dream to be by my side going forward, said Kabir. He spoke gently as he made his way over to the couch. A girl in her 20s seemed excited as he approached her. People who saw her would know that she had feelings for Kabir, and the girl is none other than Sophia Oberoi, the only sister of Rudra and Samrat. Excited, Sophia closed her eyes, but when she felt nothing, she opened them to see him crossing her path and walking toward the girl she despised the most.

With a diamond ring in his hand, Kabir reached to the sofa and bowed. While Sophia was glaring at him, there was another person who had fire in his eyes. That person was none other than Abhay, who was about to strike Kabir but someone stopped him. As he turned around, he saw Dev grabbing his hand. Hearing Kabir exclaim, "I love you, PIYA," made him wheeze with anger. Will you marry me? Everyone was taken aback by what Kabir had to say. On the other hand, Sid was receiving a glare from Chauhan's. He was clueless as to what had occurred spoiling his own plans. Piya was shocked to find her friend proposing her for marriage. She was speechless and in a state of disbelief.

She glanced at Abhay as if pleading with him to end this. She saw sorrow in his eyes too, but she was unable to identify what it was. When Kabir jerked her back and asked again, she broke her intense stare with Abhay. Piya needed some time to make sense of what had just happened. But she replied quickly and in a weak voice, "NO! I can't marry you, Kabir". Shivering with nervousness, she answered with a stammer. She was trembling with terror. Ruhi and Samaira were holding her as they felt Piya needed help.

"THE PARTY IS OVER," yelled Kabir, his eyes full of wrath, as he told everyone to leave. Except for their close family and friends, everyone left after hearing that roar. Media were also sent. He was so furious that he grabbed Piya by the arms and made her stand up abruptly. "Piya, you know I love you, don't you?" she nodded her head in yes lightly. Then what is all the drama about now? Shaking her arms tightly, he spoke aggressively.

Unable to hold back her tears, Piya began to cry out of dread and agony. And with that, Abhay lost all his calm. He violently wrenched Dev's hand away and hurried over to Piya and Kabir. He dragged Kabir to the ground without showing any mercy. At that moment, Abhay's sole concern was for his wife, his Piya, who was in severe pain. Leaving everything else aside, not caring about the world he pulled Piya towards him, embraced her tightly giving an intense kiss in her forehead, holding her arms he massaged her back, gave her a comforting squeeze and whispered words to soothe her.

[To say that the people inside the hall were shocked would be an understatement. Every person present, except for Chand, Arvind, Dev, Rudra, and Ruhi, looked on with complete disbelief at what had just unfolded.]

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