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  "Okay! Okay! Let me explain!"

They won't let me explain. Everyone's now awake, Shadow's out trying to calm my people down, and Truce is here with me, also wanting an explanation.

"What is there to explain?" Ivy seems very disappointed in me and that's not something I want to see right now. "For some reason, you have a secret vampire that's for some reason a part of the Color team, and you never told us?!"

"I was going to tell you!" I sweatdrop.

To be honest, I wasn't going to tell them. Although we have a lot of vampires with us in this cave, most are half vampires and full vampires are really hard to take control of. Their sadistic minds are what makes Owen attracted to them enough to train them.

I know full well that Zero and Ivy don't trust vampires, especially if they've worked or worked for Owen for sometime. Someone like Truce who's worked for Owen for a few decades, even being from the Nosfertu empire, they'll definitely be suspicious.

And for Truce, I kind of forgot to explain to them that Shadow, the spies, and I are not the only ones that are a part of the Color team.

For Shadow, I never told him about the bomb. Bombs. Plural.

"I'll explain everything after Shadow comes back, alright?" I assure, backing away to a corner.

"Well, that's going to take a while," Truce scoffs. They roll their eyes and I truly wonder if I really was a bad influence in their life.

"Not really. I'm already back."

I never thought Shadow's voice would make me so happy. Not this happy, at least. He knows basically everything about my life because I tell him everything. Although I know he wants me to clean up my mess by myself, I secretly know he won't. He's a sweetheart, after all.

Shadow stands next to me, patting me on the head that makes me remind myself that he's six five. This tall motherfucker couldn't have given me some of his height. Not that I'm short. I'm five nine, but I really want to be six foot just so those 'my man has to be at least six foot' women would glance at me.

"Okay, I'll explain now that Shadow's here. So can everyone sit down because I'm aware of all your abilities and do not want to be a victim of a murder?"

Everyone looks at each other for a moment before shaking their heads. Goddamn it, they're going to kill me aren't they?

"They won't kill you, Glitch," Shadow sighs, rubbing his temples. "They love you. Just explain, and this will be over."

I look at the black mist in a whiny way. How can he know? He never angered them in this way! They hate secrets!

"Fine! We won't kill you! You'll probably kill us first anyways," Zero grumbles.

Dear Owen, it's hard to make Zero grumbly. I fucked uppppp.

"Okay, okay." I take a few deep sighs before continuing.

I pull Truce to my side and smile at the other two.

"Guys, this is Truce. Truce, these two are Zero and Ivy. Truce is from the Nosfertu empire, Zero is from the Parthenope empire, and Ivy is from the Medusa empire."

Zero and Ivy eyes Truce as Truce does the same towards the two. I have to say, if this was a staring contest, truce would win.

"Truce is the first to be an official part of the Color team. I sent truce to one of Owen's caves as a spy a decade after I picked them up."

Truce removes my hand from their shoulder and crosses their arms.

"You make me sound like a dumpster cat," they mutter.

Cave of My PeopleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum