🙅🏻No one🙅🏻

Începe de la început

Sun: Same.

K: I'll take classic.

Wony: I'll take Gin.

Ni-ki: A glass of water.

They All looked at ni-ki in disbelief. The bartender nodded and went to make their drinks.

Sun: Seriously, man!

Taki: Well, if you won't drink then What's the motive in your life!?

Wony: You should try, Baby!

K: They're right.

Ni-ki: Maybe later....

Sunoo sighed.

Sun: We couldn't find any Clue...(Whispered to ni-ki)

Ni-ki: It's ok...(Upset)

Ni-ki looked away and his eyes catched someone. Ni-ki chuckled.

Sun: Uhh... Isn't that your Boyfriend?

Taki: Mr PlayBoy is Your Boyfriend!?(shout)

Ni-ki: Shh... Well, Of course he's not my boyfriend.

Taki: So, who is he to you?

Ni-ki: No one.

K: Who's that girl with him?

Ni-ki: I don't know nor I wanna know.

Ni-ki rolled his eyes and looked at the bartender who came back with their drinks.

?: Here's the order.

Ni-ki took the glass of water in his hand and drank it. Ni-ki looked extremely pissed.

Ni-ki: One Angel Face.

They all looked at ni-ki and They noticed that he was up to something.

Taki: Huh? I thought you didn't like drinking?

Ni-ki: I just wanted to try...

K: But, isn't it one of the most powerful drink?

Sun: I'll handle him, don't worry!

Taki: I don't know...(😐)

Wony: My baby is now an adult!

The bartender went to make the drink and Ni-ki pulled out his phone scrolling through Some random files.

?: Here's your Angel Face, Sweetie~

Ni-ki: Hmm... Thanks.

?: No prob, Darling~

Ni-ki took the drink and sniffed before sipping one time.

Ni-ki POV: Ok, not a big deal... I'm only feeling dizzy (🥴)

Ni-ki finished the whole glass and looked at the bartender.

Sassy Boy & Playboy~ (Mystery Unsolved)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum