💖Pretty Boy~💖

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?: Sunghoon Oppa!

A girl in black hair called Sunghoon from afar and Sunghoon looked at her.

?: Oppa, you told me that we're going to a date today, right?

The girl looked at Sunghoon with hope.

Hoon: I-

Another girl came behind Sunghoon and Held his arm.

?: Oppa, you promised me you will come with me to the movies.

The girl in red hair pouted and The Black haired girl got shocked and was ready to throw hands.

?: What do you mean by that!? Sunghoon Oppa is coming with me!

?: Oh c'mon, Ugly bitch! He's mine!

?: Shut the fuck up, bitch!

Hoon: Ladies, Ladies, Calm down.

?: Who do you like the most!? Me or her!?

Sunghoon didn't answer and The girls were so done with him.

?: I knew it! Your such a Play Boy!

Both of the girls left from there,tears rolling down their cheeks.

Sunghoon: Whores.(smirked)

Sunghoon walked to his friends in the cafeteria and a girl came to him and gave him a letter.

?: Oppa...I-I like you....

Sunghoon: Aww, it's cute of you.

The girl blushed crazily and gave him the letter. The girl ran to her friends and Sunghoon didn't even bothered to open the letter.

Hoon: Well, I guess I'm dating 4 today.

Jake: Hello, Mr Play Boy!

Hoon: Hey,Jakey!!

Hoon came to the sits Jake has chosen and sits down.

Jay: You should stop,man.... Look at her. (Pointing at a girl crying and her friends comforting her)

Hoon: Serves her right. She was the one who kissed another man in front of her boyfriend.

A Girl came to him.

?: Oppa... Can I sit here (pointing at his lap)

Sunghoon nodded and the girl sat down on his lap.

Jake: uhh... Let's Just change the subject.

Jay: we have Chemistry exam in 15 minutes.

Jake widened his eyes.

Jake: you gotta be kidding me...

Jay: I don't like Joking around like you, sometimes ok but not all the time.

Jay rolled his eyes.


Jay: I told you 7 times yesterday.


Jake ran to their class.

Jay: This man will be the dead of us.

Hoon: Your right. (😐)

Sunghoon whispered to the girl.

Hoon: Go to your friends for now.

The girl stands up and leaves a kiss on Sunghoon's left cheek.

Jay: when will you find someone who you really likes?

Hoon: I don't know, I'll not fall for a girl for sure.

Jay: Hmm...

Hoon: When are you three coming out?

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