Chapter 11: Catching Up

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After a while of walking the path and a few nights of camping, a sudden storm began out of nowhere. Without any cover, they ran from the storm, hoping to beat the rain before it hit them. Unfortunately, the rain was heavy, their clothes began to drench in water, and without any form of cover, they continued to run in the storm. Soon, as if luck was on their side, a shelter was seen in the distance. Without hesitation, they both head towards the shelter, hoping to warm up and dry off, including outstorming the storm.

They enter the home, which is empty and abandoned, with nothing but old wooden furniture and nature growing out of the floors and walls. FS uses his magic to make a campfire for them both to dry off and warm up... But FS doesn't need it, only Nancy.

"I'm f-f-f-freezing...!"
"You're lucky that you can easily heat it off!"
"While I'm over here, freezing!"

"Well... I've trained under harsher conditions."
"The cold doesn't affect me." *Chuckles*


FS chuckles at the sight of Nancy, huddling over the fire, both of their sweaters, hanging on some wood, drying on top of another fire, but as a heating area. It seems like they both need a warm stay. Nancy, seeing FS without a sweater wasn't new, but it was rare. She sees the many scars and wounds on his arms as he meditates quietly as the heavy rain pours down.

As time passed, the rain continued to pour. It's been only an hour since the sudden storm appeared. FS is still in meditation, eyes closed, breathing slowly... Then FS's eyes shot open. He was back in his mind. He looks around and finds Fikar looking at the Memory FS that has been regained since yesterday.

"Why are you watching that...?"

"Just... remembering who I am..."
"Mom... Dad..."
"Their faces... blurry yet... familiar..."

"I know how you feel, Fikar."
"But... We have to keep fighting."
"They would want you to do that too."

FS walks up to him and pats his shoulders. He could see his sudden demeanor change into sadness, even if he couldn't shed tears. Fikar then sets aside the memory and looks at FS. A small and forced smile is shown on his face, but FS knows he isn't happy but lost and empty as he is, too.

"You know..."
"I've always wondered how the outside world has changed..."
"And the only time when I did... was with your short friend."

"That was you..."
"You were the one who took control from before..."

FS gets slightly agitated and closes his fist, but he doesn't let his anger get to him, and he releases his fist. He sighs but looks at Fikar with a small frown.

"How about this... If we can get a few more of our memories back."
"I'll lend you my body. We can swap back and forth, right?"
"And if you can help me learn more about these powers from the Sins, and control them,"
"I'll let you roam free in my body, with your mind and soul."

After a long thought, Fikar sees FS holding his hands out. They stared at each other for a bit before Fikar looked at the memory he was repeatedly watching over and over again. He then takes one last look at FS and takes his hand.

"I'll take your word for it..."
"But remember, we may be the same as connected, but it's our Powers that are different."
"So once I take control, your original powers disappear and be replaced with mine."

"Got it."
"Remember. We're in this together, no takebacks or other ambitions."

They both shake their hands together in union, and soon, the darkness around them begins to change, and Fikar's body slowly blinks back and forth. The deal was set in stone, and FS could feel Fikar's smile grow a bit wider. They both stop shaking, and they give one last look at each other before Fikar enters the body himself.

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