Chapter 10: The World Awaits

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After some time had passed, our heroes returned with their respective missions completed. Nancy starts to explain Ediah’s body, and from what Ediah told her, is some sort of Living being, created by the person in the videos to protect something important, but she doesn’t know who this person or thing that is important. But as for Ares, he shows them his sister, Ari. Nancy sees Ari for the first time, and she is surprised at her appearance, like she came out of a lab or something, but Ares just chuckles at Nancy’s expression.

But later on, Ares, Ari, and Cortex had to leave. Nancy asks why, but Ares doesn’t answer her but reminds her that this journey is now for them to finish, not theirs. By using the Portable Way-Stone, the three of them disappear and return home. Now, Nancy and Ediah watch over the still-sleeping FS, lying on the bed.

“What do we do now Ediah…?”
“We can’t just leave FS here.”
“Ugh, if only I was in more control of my powers… None of this would have happened!”
“I’m so!...”

Nancy softly places her head on FS’s chest and wraps her head with her arms. She softly begins to cry on his body while Ediah watches them from behind. Ediah uses her newfound body to scan FS’s body, sensing strong Light Magic burning within his wound, slowly eating him up. She stops scanning his body and places her hand on Nancy’s shoulder.

“Stand back, Nancy.”
“Allow me to test my powers out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just let me do what I need to do.”

Nancy nods softly and steps back from the bed, then Ediah walks over to FS’s body and sets her hand on the bandaged wound. Her hand begins to glow, and energy starts to pour into her arm.

*Chants* “Brisingr, adurna, nature, vindr, deloi, garjzla un dark…"
"By the holy arts, be one with me."
"Let the light flow from one to another."

Ediah begins to absorb the Light Magic within FS’s wound, the energy flowing into Ediah’s arm. She then stands back from the bed, and Nancy slowly looks to where FS’s wound was and carefully unwraps the bandages… His wound was completely healed. Nancy looks in awe… She was completely stunned.

“I- What- How- How did you do it??”
“His cut, it's gone! It’s completely gone!”

Soon, FS begins to wake up again. Nancy backed up from his suddenly awakened grunts. She couldn’t believe what Ediah did. She healed him without any problems. But as FS tried to sit up, he felt a sharp pain in his hip, where the wound mark used to be.

“Ahh… Who… How…?”
“Nancy?... Who’s this person?”

“Oh, you missed a lot, that’s all I gotta say.” *Smiles cheerfully*
*Hugs FS* “Welcome back, FS.”

FS is still confused about what happened, but he gladly accepts Nancy’s hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes before they stopped.

After a bit of catching up, FS now knows what has happened during the past hour or 3. He wears a new set of clothes but not his armor anymore, but just pieces of it and each part on a part of the body. But ever since Ediah healed his wound, he was feeling a lot better than before.

“Alright, Nancy, it’s finally time to go out in the world… For once this time.”

“Yeah, this time for sure!”
“But… Where do we go first now?”

“Huh… You're right.”
*Open Digital Map*
“Let’s see…”

FS takes a look at the map, and on it, he sees a Way-Stone Marker at Ukiah Village. He doesn’t remember finding a Way-Stone at the Village, but it was soon revealed by a notification on his map. “Way-Stones found in Villages, Towns, or Kingdoms are automatically registered when you first visit the area.”. With this in mind, FS nods slightly and looks at Nancy.

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