{WinRina} - date night goes wrong (requested)

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"Welcome home, my loves!" You happily said to your girls as they walked through the door.

"Hi, baby." Winter smiled as she and Karina pulled you close.

"How was your day?" You asked them.

"Not bad. But so much better now that we are home with you." Karina spoke.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. Because it's date night and I've already got dinner in the oven. It's going to be great!"

"We're excited!" Winter cheerfully said.

You leaned in to kiss them both on the cheek but the sound of the fire alarm going off stopped you.

"Oh, no!" You said as you rushed into the kitchen.

Smoke was coming from the oven and you panicked.

"Here, use this!" Karina said as she grabbed the fire extinguisher from under the sink.

You quickly opened the oven and put it out before grabbing the oven mitts to pull out the now-ruined food.

It was completely ruined.

It was black and burnt and smelled horrible.

"I can't believe this." You groaned. "I worked so hard on preparing this and it's just ruined! I ruined our date night!"

"You didn't ruin anything." Karina soothed as she rubbed your back.

"Do you see the food? It's inedible! I ruined it." You frustratingly said.

"We're still together though. We have the night together. That's what matters." Winter spoke softly, kissing your head.

"I'm just so mad at myself. I wanted tonight to be special."

"It is special because we're together," Karina said. "It's all going to be okay. Don't be mad at yourself. We're not mad."

You looked at them with sad eyes, only for them to kiss your face.

And they did that until you smiled.

"Better?" Winter wondered and you nodded.

"Good. We can always go out somewhere if you want to." Karina suggested.

"Or we can order takeout," Winter said.

"Anything is better than this." You disappointedly said as you nodded to the ruined dinner in the pan.

"We love your cooking, baby, and it's so sweet that you wanted to make us dinner. But things happen and no one is upset." Winter assured.

"Let's order takeout and have a movie night! How's that sound?" Karina grinned.

"Amazing." You replied.

"I agree. It sounds perfect." Winter smiled before she and Karina pulled you in for a big, comforting hug.

"Come on." You said and pulled them into the living room as they laughed happily.

Getting on the couch between them, you held onto each other as Karina searched for a comedy to start the night off with while Winter ordered dinner for you all.

Regardless of what happened earlier, it was still going to be an amazing night with your girls and you were looking forward to every second of it with them.

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