{NingSelle} - you feel left out of the relationship (requested)

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"Hey, baby. Is everything okay?" Giselle frowned as she and NingNing entered your shared bedroom.

You're lying down in bed with your face buried in the pillows as you try to ignore your girlfriends.

They laid down beside you and you let out a heavy sigh before rolling over and then moving to the foot of the bed, planning to get up and go somewhere else.

"Y/N? Baby, what's the matter?" NingNing asked.

You turned around to gaze at them before they moved closer to you.

"Just trying to give you two some alone time." You said. "You know, since you clearly enjoy being with each other more than me."

"What? Where did you ever get that from?" Giselle asked.

You huffed before reaching for your phone and loading up the video that you've been playing since it was uploaded on Twitter by a fan.

It was from a recent interview they did, where they talked about how much they love being with each other.

They had been extremely affectionate with each other as well.

And you understand that they can't talk about you since your relationship has to stay private still but them being so focused on only each other didn't stop there.

When they arrived home today, you tried to make conversation and steal some kisses from them but they cuddled up to each other on the couch without you.

NingNing sat on her lap as they laughed, talked, and kissed a little.

And you felt so left out as you watched them, leading to thoughts of you wondering if you even belonged in this relationship.

They watched the video on your phone before looking at you.

"Y/N, baby," NingNing sighed, only for you to interrupt.

"I get it. Right now, no one knows that we're dating and they can't for a while. I get that. But then you get home and it's almost as if I barely exist. I've been up here for ten minutes by myself and you just came up because you've been so focused on being with each other."

Sad expressions appeared on their faces.

You could tell they felt guilty and terrible about everything.

"The thing is that this isn't the first time this has happened. If you'd rather just be with each other, tell me. Because sometimes I feel left out and as if you would rather be together, without me."

"No, baby, no," Giselle said. "That is not it at all."

"You are so important to us and we love you very much. We're so sorry we ever made you feel that way." NingNing spoke as she took one of your hands while Giselle took your other.

"I just love you both so much and you mean a lot to me."

"We feel the same way about you, darling," Giselle spoke with a small smile.

"It was never our intention to make you feel bad or to make you feel left out. Don't ever think we don't want you around or that we'd rather just be with each other because that's not how we feel whatsoever. We promise you."

"Yeah and from now on, we won't ever make you feel that way again. You're far too important to us." Giselle assured.

You smiled a little and it warmed their hearts.

"Come here," NingNing said before she gently pushed you onto your back.

You laughed as she and Giselle hovered over you and started to kiss your face repeatedly, kissing every inch.

It made your heart almost burst and seeing you so happy again made theirs almost do the same.

They pulled away after a moment and just stared at you adoringly.

"Someday, we will tell the world about us. We'll tell the world about how in love the three of us are and how we have a great relationship and couldn't possibly be happier. But until then, we promise to never make you feel that way again." NingNing said.

"You're our everything. It takes three to make this relationship work. No one should ever feel less important or loved." Giselle said as she looked at you and NingNing.

"Exactly," NingNing spoke. "Now, what can we do to make it up to you?"

"Some cuddles would be nice. Maybe a movie and some kisses too." You said. "I just want to be with my favorite girls."

They grinned before giving you a kiss on your lips.

They got comfortable beside you, NingNing lying on your right while Giselle lay next to you on your left.

You all held hands and shared loving and romantic kisses, all three of you so in love and so thankful to have each other.

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