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Have you ever thought the reason why people failed to love the right one? 

Have you ever wondered why people got hurt? 

Have you considered loving such a big mistake or haven't you noticed that in life happiness and sadness is just a tiny line apart?

Well for me it's not a choice it's just happened because some people have the biggest part in our life while others are just passing through. 

Some are permanent and most of the time are temporary.

They make us grow, they help us to overcome the pain, to cherish happiness and show us the purpose of life. In spite of crying, fighting and sadness.

When you chose to love and be happy. You also choose to be hurt, betrayed, sad and be in pain.

Because this is all the ingredients to have an ideal or perfect love.

Why? When you encounter this on your first, second and so on...

You always aim to improve your love, regardless if it is past, present and future.

But when we talk about realities, ideal love in terms of partner is really hard to aim for. It's crucial and depressing. It gives you a different persona.

So since we are here, let's all find out the different faces of love, scenario and time..how it all started and ended.

It might not be the typhical love story, unsual and out of the blue. But one thing for certain, being inlove and be loved is one magical moment that every human being deserve.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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