The haunted Doll

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In an old dusty warehouse, a little girl named Rara discovered an ancient porcelain doll lying on top of a rotten wooden box. The doll had long tangled blonde hair, empty blue eyes, and a dirty white dress.

Rara was intrigued by the doll. She picked it up and hugged it tightly. The doll felt cold and stiff. Suddenly, Rara heard a faint whisper coming from the doll.

"Take me home," the doll whispered....

Rara was astonished. She couldn't believe the doll could speak. Though slightly scared, Rara was also excited, the doll seemed like it could be her friend.

"Take me home," the doll whispered again. The voice seemed to compel Rara's mind to bring it home.

Without hesitation, Rara brought the doll home and placed it on her bed.

That night, Rara couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the doll. She heard the whispering voice again and again.

"Take me home," the doll whispered....

Rara got up from her bed and went to the bathroom. She wanted to splash her face with cold water to help her sleep.

As she was washing her face, she saw the doll in the mirror. The doll stared back at her with its empty blue eyes.

Rara screamed in fear. She ran back to her room and shut the door tightly.

The next day, Rara told her parents about the incident. Her parents didn't believe her. They thought Rara was just having a bad dream.

Rara didn't want to give up. She wanted to know the origin of the doll. She went back to the old warehouse to find out more.

In the warehouse, Rara met an old woman. The old woman told her that the doll once belonged to a little girl who tragically died.

The old woman warned Rara to get rid of the doll. She said the doll was haunted by the spirit of the deceased little girl.

Rara finally decided to get rid of the doll. She took it to the river and threw it into the water.

Rara felt relieved after disposing of the doll in the river. She was sure she would never be bothered again.

Several months later, Rara was sound asleep in her room. Suddenly, she was awakened by a familiar whispering voice.

"Take me home," the voice whispered.

Rara opened her eyes with fear. She saw the old porcelain doll sitting at the edge of her bed. Yes, the doll again, with its signature long tangled blonde hair, empty blue eyes, and a dirty white dress.

"Take me home," whispered the doll again, this time louder.

Rara screamed in terror. She tried to run, but her legs felt weak. The doll stared at her with its empty blue eyes.

"Take me home," the doll whispered again and again, its voice getting louder and more terrifying.

Rara couldn't take it anymore. With fear gripping her, she hugged the doll tightly and cried.

"Okay," Rara said with a trembling voice. "I'll take you home."

Rara took the doll to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water. She wanted to clean the doll and make it look better.

As Rara submerged the doll in the water, it started to sing. The song was sad and frightening, like the lament of a lonely little girl.

Rara grew even more frightened. She wanted to pull the doll out of the water, but she couldn't. Her hands felt stiff and immovable.

The doll continued to sing, its voice growing louder and more piercing. Rara felt like her head was about to explode.

Suddenly, the doll stopped singing. Its empty eyes stared at Rara sharply.

"Take me home," said the doll with a terrifying whisper.

Rara fainted.....

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