a lot a lot cody has to win the finale

he's the only non-evil player

left that's if he and the others live

long enough to compete

they're stranded in drumheller where the

number one cause of death

is being stranded in drumheller are we

sure they're going to get here okay

relax babe these guys are survivors look

at heather

she's like a total drama cockroach i

thought that was ezekiel perhaps heather

is total drama-likin

the stuff that survives forever oh my


is they'll get here one way or another

and you know it's gonna be exciting

however it goes down so who does the

peanut gallery think will win a room


you're gonna hear it from me the only

one winning this is c.o.d

pimping like a king sipping lemonade in

the shade

kicking in hawaiian style gonna take

home the cheddar we're gonna be

all smiles hey how come he gets to sing

he doesn't harold ricky tony giving up

for my man cody

harold's in the house spitting rhymes

like a roadie a roadie

stop the music i like a party as much as

the next guy but harold i gotta draw the


this is confiscated here bridge thanks





can we calm him down with something

perhaps some cavity cava is a route the

native polynesians have long used to

calm the mind

is it also an appetite suppressant

before the peanut gallery hold up their

flags to show us who they've chosen to

root for

let's see how our finalists stack up

who's got the best chance at taking the


let's see who might have earned it the

hard way with

some drama

cody took a bit of a b*ating this season

most of it accidentally from Scott but

when he got sick

He single-handedly kept him in the game

of course

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