Jamaica Me Sweat

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"Previously on Total Drama!" Chris started, "Newfoundland showed us a shuck of a good time! Ps, the beach shindig was aw-some! Anywho, DJ still powered through while being the last team victory man standing and even won the challenge! Tied with team Chris is really really really really amazing of course! And the amazons were spared yet again because it was a reward challenge of the lobster kind! Also, Noah found more than he should have." He said as flashbacks played

The camera flashed to Chris who was leaning on Chef who was driving the plane

"Eleven players are still fighting for a million clams, who's gonna leave the fold? And who's gonna win the gold? Find out now, on TOTAL. DRAMA. WORLD TOUR!!"

"So, hold on...let me get this straight, Mr. Noah." Jo said, as she held onto Noah's shirt. "You read my diary?"

"Yes I did." The bookworm responded.

"Ugh!" Jo, still holding Noah's shirt, scowled. "Great, now you know stuff about me. You see, my diary isn't just daily thoughts and feelings. Far from it.  Make sure nobody hears anything about my darkest secrets ever again. You hear me?"

Noah looked terrified.

Jo spat into her hand, and held Noah's hand. "Spit promise..." She glared at the bookworm.

[Confessional: Jo]

Jo: I would rather read The Ghost of Slappy, The Dummy Meets The Mummy, Diary of a Dummy, and My Friend Slappy than have all my secrets leaked. The difference is that, while I hated that book, the final part of the Dummy Meets The Mummy's ending was more of a letdown compared to how the rest of the ending was going, and I don't even remember how the Ghost of Slappy even ended since I hated a lot of it. Diary of a Dummy had a disturbing ending and My Friend Slappy's ending was the embodiment of "WHAT_THE_LIVING_FUCK". To put it lightly, I would rather drive off a cliff than have Noah reveal everything about me!

But the spit promise ended right before the spit even dried on their hands.

[The plane runs out of fuel.]
Chris: [to Chef] Um, are we out of gas?
Chef: Yeah... 'cause you spent all our gas money!
Chris: [into intercom] Attention, passengers! [screams]
All: [Screaming]
Owen: We're all gonna di-hi-hi-hi-hie!
DJ: Tell momma I love her!
Owen: [tumbles next to Izzy, who is already wearing a parachute.] Izzy, we need to talk!
Izzy: Ooh, you'll have to catch me first! [opens the plane door] Last one out's a rotten egg! [winks at Owen, then jumps out, laughing as Owen screams as he gets sucked out]
Owen: [Screams and Lands hard on a beach in Jamaica] Oww-aah? I'm okay? [laughs] I'm okay! [Izzy jumps and lands on his groin] Ah! Great gobs of chutney, that smarts!
Izzy: Perfect landing! Not even a scratch. [plane lands squarely on her and Owen] Ahh!

Cut to everyone outside of the plane, "Two airports on an island the size of a postage stamp, and he misses both. But somehow, it's my fault." Chris said.
"You blew our money for the season on Chris' work!" Chef said angrily.
"Um, Chris!? Owen and Izzy need help!" Courtney yelled as she, along with most of the others, were trying to pull them out from under the plane.
Owen: [confessional, looking the worse for wear after the plane landed squarely on him and Izzy] Uh, no biggie. Just a concussion. Can you parents my phone and worry them not to tell... Santa? [falls over]
Cut to everyone watching as an ambulance drove Owen and Izzy off, "Izzy and Owen are gonna be fine. Thanks to travel insurance, help is on the way! In 6-38 hours." Chris said.
"What about the rest of us?" Gwen asked.
"Well, we're out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke. But, the show must go on! We can't waste any of this footage. Think of the hits we'll get!"
"Where even are we?" Tyler asked.
"Jamaica, mon. We were supposed to land in Ochos Rios, but since somebody forgot how to glide, we'll have to do the challenges here instead. And fast, before whoever owns this dump shows up and asks for a location fee."
"Didn't you guys budget for the whole season?" Noah asked.
"Some things cost more than expected. Airplane ready hot tubs don't grow on trees, y'know."
Suddenly, Jo ran off into the jungle. "They'll never catch me alive!" She screamed.
The other contestants stared, slack-jawed.

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