Awwwwwww, Drumheller

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last time on total drama world tour

destructo girl heather took down a world

heritage site

and while we searched for eggs on easter

island some old pals stopped by

for a nice visit along with one

seriously ticked off mother of a condor

Friendships were challenged

More friendships formed

ultimately Scott got the vote


except some wise guy decided to make it

a reward challenge

the final four remain which one of them

will dig up more trouble this week

find out right now on total

world tour

[Cue the theme]

The sound of boots echoed through the room.

Jo was a girl on a mission.

"So our host sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber? That explains a lot..." She said.

She went over to the computer nearby and pulled up the cameras, seeing Heather asleep in first class, and Cody and Scott asleep in loser class. She smirked.

"I could edit a few things," Jo said, before she smirked. "I'm done being Scott's friend. Time to do what Slappy did in Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween. No more Mr. Nice Jo."

Then she began to work.

oh that was not a first-class sleep

oh would you like a delicious bubusa

no thank you once again for inviting me

up here with you

do not mistake it for me liking you

inviting you up here was purely a

strategic choice

mm-hmm it's true if i'd separated scott

and cody that wingnut would be g*n

for me

you were the only one left of course

i'll marry you gwen

scott oh she had quite a bad roller

skating accident

don't worry you're pretty ahead about me


what are you doing you were having a

terrible nightmare

come let me hug it away for you i

thought you'd be mad at me whatever for

here comes the huggy hack

mainly because well you helped me out

and then i

uh maybe voted for you all that matters


is that i'm here with you on the best

day of the year

i hope you like surprises from you oh

you're like this one i'm making you

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