"Uhhhh... Chef? Can you come here a sec?" Chris awkwardly sauntered off, looking for his cohost. "We need to catch a chick."

[Confessional:  Gwen]

"WHAT THE **** just happened?!" She screamed. "Female Slappy the Dummy, did you just run off like Izzy from season 1?"

Cut to Owen waking up in his hospital bed, with Izzy in the bed next to him, with her having bandage wraps around her head, "Huh? Oh, Izzy, no! It's all my fault! I wanted to break up with her and the the plane broke her up! It's like I made it happen with my mind!" he said as he ran over to her.

Suddenly, Izzy shot up, and in the most remarkably calm way possible said, "Owen. I've devised a mathematical formula for infinite time travel."

"...oh this is so worse than I thought!"

Cut to everyone in their swimsuits on top of a cliff face with waterfalls. Chris was wearing a dashiki. Noah laughed, "Pretty blouse." he said sarcastically.

"It's a dashiki, mon!" Chris said.

"Yeah, a woman's dashiki!" Courtney said while chuckling.

Chris paced back and forth. "Seriously, of all the days this could have happened, today is the day I'm already getting hounded by the producers," the host frowned.

Chef pushed in a dolly containing Jo. She was wearing a mouth mask over her mouth.

"Where has Female Slappy been?" Noah asked. "She's filthy!"

"I agree," Tyler said. "She's tied up, and she looks like she's been wallowing in the mud!"

Sure enough, Jo had her hands tied behind her and she was caked in mud.

Noah sent a look of apology to the arch-villainess as Chris took her mouth mask off.

"Jo tried to run through the jungle. It didn't go too well." Chris said as he untied her.

Jo then spat a bunch of mud out of her mouth, causing the girls to gag in disgust. The guys didn't seem to mind it though, what with Scott offering to clean Jo off.

But before they could clean off Jo...

Chris cleared his throat. "Fellow contestants, I have an announcement to make. Jo's a serial killer. She's allowed to stay, though. A serial killer on the show always works well for gaining an audience!"
"Jo," Noah said. "I have a question. Why are you a serial killer?"

"This is what I was worried about when you read my diary," Jo said. "Yes, what McLean said is true. I am a serial killer."

The last two words hung chillingly in the air.

"W-What happened?" Heather growled. When Jo didn't respond immediately, she slammed her fist down in her hand. "What did you do, damn it?!"

Jo sobbed quietly to herself for a few moments before the barest of whispers escaped from her mouth.

"...It... I-It was under the influence of him."

"Alright... spill it," Courtney demanded. "Who the fuck is this him?"

"Do you want to tell us about it? It sounds like it's weighing down on you a lot," asked Gwen.

"Also, if you don't, then I willlllll," Chris smiled devilishly. Jo inhaled messily with a sniffle.

"...Fine. I have two sisters. Mary and Spice. Identical triplets are...fairly uncommon, but clearly we hit the jackpot. Now, I didn't have a major problem with either of them. They were my sisters and as far as I was concerned, there was a mutual, however strained, love I shared between them."

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