1 - that guy

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(Jake's POV)

He was sitting in the back of the classroom. I've never talked to him before. Why is he just now catching my eye? I don't think I've ever seen him interact with anybody, really.

I wonder if he has any friends... Why am I going into such thought about some random boy? He probably doesn't even know that I exist. "Hmph." I sighed to myself.

I don't even know his name. He kinda reminds me of a ghost. Always there, never noticed. Maybe I'll call him ghost boy...


I walked out of my fourth period, heading to lunch. I spotted my friends, Sam and Colby, sitting outside in the courtyard, talking to each other. I pushed the door open, walking over to them. "Hey, guys." I said as I walked up to them.

We started to chat about some random things, when I got the sudden urge to pee. "Shit, guys I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom." I told them, walking inside. I spotted someone speed-walking in my direction, holding a bunch of papers.

It was Ghost Boy! Why was he in such a rush? I guess he wasn't looking where he was going, because he crashed right into me! We both fell to the floor, his papers scattering everywhere. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry." I said, trying to help him pick the papers up.

"I- it's ok." He mumbled, pushing my hand away. There were a lot of things that I hadn't noticed about him before. Like how his voice was soft, but a little bit raspy. Or, how his hands were freezing cold, yet so soft.

He picked up all of his papers, rushing away. "Sorry." He whispered softly as he walked away. I noticed that he'd left a paper on the ground. Oh shit! I need to go give it to him! I picked it up, looking around for him. It was like he disappeared. No trace of him in sight.

Great. I'll give it back to him tomorrow, I guess. What was this paper even for? It was taped shut. Almost like a letter. Well... It wouldn't hurt to take just a peek, right?

I opened the letter, revealing what seemed to be a love letter written in cursive handwriting.

To: -/-/-/-/

I caught a sparkle of light in your eyes that day.

Bathed in it.

Was transported to heaven's gates by it.

But I fall at my feet,

My words shall only be composed,

I can't speak.

Admiring from afar... Secretly.


Woah. This poem was beautiful. Did he write it? And who was it to? The name was scribbled out in pen, so I couldn't read it.

Now I know his initials, now. His first name starts with a J and his last name, a G.

Huh... Names that start with J....

Jake. (AKA my name)




Johnnie, I guess...

I can't really think of any others.

I guess I'll just give it to him tomorrow.

Go check out my other Jake and Johnnie fanfic if you'd like!! More chapters coming very soon! I love all of you and hope u enjoy <333

Word count: 532

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