Chapter 1

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Hello again!

TW: Swearing, blood


Holy shit, his head hurt.

He groaned as he tried to sit up. He was in a strange room he didn't recognize. Sunlight gleamed brightly through a crack in the blinds.

He tried to think, tried to remember what had happened before waking up.

The thing was, he didn't remember anything.

And that scared him more than the unfamiliar surroundings.

The door opened and a man stuck his head in. "Oh, good, you're awake."

The man had pale skin and long white hair pulled messily out of his face, which was half covered by a mask. The man's eyes were two different colors; a dark gray one and a red one with a scar across it.

"Who are you?" he croaked, his voice hoarse.

Hoarse. Horse. He had a horse. Luna. Where was she?

"My name's Etho," the masked man said. "Who are you?"

He paused. For a second, he didn't know, didn't remember, like everything else. But then a name popped into his head, and he knew it fit.

"Bdubs. My name's Bdubs. Where's Luna?"

"Who's Luna? Your horse?"

Bdubs nodded.

"She's safe. Gem's taking care of her. Luna will be in good hands until you're in a stable condition." Etho paused. "We don't get many strangers around these parts. Why were you here? Did you get attacked, is that why there was blood all over you?"

"I... what?"

Etho squinted and tilted his head. "I found you on the ground covered in someone's blood early this morning. Why were you here of all places, at one in the morning of all times?"

"L-listen," Bdubs started, voice shaking. "I don't even know where here is, let alone why I'm here. Or if I was attacked. You said I was covered in blood?"

Etho nodded. "Yeah." Another pause. "Do you... not remember?"

Bdubs shook his head.

"You don't remember anything?"

He shook his head again.

Etho paused, thinking. "Okay. That makes things a little more complicated. How about you wash up, change clothes, maybe, or something. You hungry? I can make breakfast. Then we can talk to X."

Bdubs had a million questions, but it was all too much, so he just nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Sure. Okay."

"Any food allergies?"

"Don't think so."

Etho nodded. "Alright. See you in a few."

He left the room and closed the door behind him. Bdubs shakily stood from the bed. He knew these clothes weren't his, but he liked them and they were clean so he stuck with them.

He stumbled into the bathroom to shower and looked into the mirror above the sink. A complete stranger stared back at him, one that moved when he moved and smiled when he smiled.

Oh boy. Bdubs wasn't sure what was going on, but something told him that it wasn't good. Not at all.


Bdubs stumbled into the dining room. He sat in the chair closest to him and watched Etho cook. Etho looked over his shoulder at Bdubs' entrance. "Oh. Hey. That was quick."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 01 ⏰

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