All eyes on us

418 15 2

Dean's POV

I'm so fucking confused. I want to forgive him, my heart wants that. But my brain still isn't sure. I mean the whole thing between us actually began because of that old bastard, Tony.

"Hey Dean?" said Sonic


"Don't stress yourself too much about this whole situation. You don't have to forgive him if you don't want to,  I'm sure he wouldn't want you to do something which you don't like. But we all want you to think about it because we all can see that he is really genuine about his love for you. I mean his eyes were literally shining when he was looking at you. No matter who was speaking his eyes were on you the whole time. Think about it and always remember that whatever decision you make we will be there to support you" said Sonic

"Thanks Nic. I really needed that" I replied

"Mhm. I'm going to go back to the others. Come whenever you feel like it and if you need something then just call me" he said

"Yeah...." I said

"I can sense that you want to tell me something. Spill" he told me

"Could you um....please tell Winner to come here?" I asked

"Yeah I can, but are you sure that you are ready to face him" He questioned me

"I'm sure. I need to sort it out some day"

"Well then..I'll call him upstairs"

The moment Sonic went downstairs I plopped down on my bed. The only thing I know is that I love him. I can't lose Winner. Whatever he did was obviously to protect Kim but I also understand that he loved me way before Tony did that shit to him and his actions towards me shows that he genuinely loves me. I was lost in these thoughts when I heard footsteps. A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey...can I come in?" the man outside my door asked

"Yes you can" I replied

"Listen Dean before you say anything. I just wanted to let you know that I love you a lot. Even if you decided that you don't want to forgive me I just wanted to let you know that and I-" he said

I shut him up by planting a kiss on his lips. I saw his eyes widen with shock but in no time he kissed back. We only let go when we both were out of breath.

"You dummy. I forgive you" I told him with a smile on my face

"Really?" he asked with doubt filling his voice

"Why the heck would I kiss you if I didn't forgive you?" I said with giggles forming mid-sentence

"I'm so happy right now...I love you a lot Dean and I can't imagine losing you. You mean the world to me. Actually no. You are my world" he said with his eyes filling with tears..

He pulled me into a hug and let his tears fall. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up to his face. I leaned forward and left soft kisses on his face. I kissed his tears away. Whatever he had said to me made me want to cry myself but I can't cry because I had this big baby to handle.

"I love you too Winner. But keep in mind that if you repeat any of this again or ever break my heart I will personally torture you and end you" I said with my face suddenly becoming serious

"Yes Sunshine, I can't imagine hurting you ever again. I wouldn't dare" he replied

I let out a small laugh and finally let go of him.

"I think we really should head downstairs otherwise the others might think that I murdered you or something like that" I informed him

He just nodded in response I got up and went towards the door but was suddenly swept off my feet. I let out a small yelp.

"Winner! What are you doing?" I questioned

"Just let me... I miss this..."


As we head downstairs we hear the other team members discussing and having a conversation. The first one to see us was of course North. I swear to god this clown has eyes everywhere.

"HEY!" North screamed 

"Shut up North or I will kill you right here. I have no more energy to tolerate your shenanigans" Sonic said with tired eyes since it was almost 4 in the morning

"Well guys first look at those two lovebirds" he said

All eyes were on us and instead of looking at them, Winner had his eyes fixated on me. My cheeks were slowly turning a light shade of pink and to ruin the moment we heard.....

A/N- News Flash! I'm back with another chapter which also brings us near to the end of this story. Only 1-2 chapters and we will be over with this story. I will also be writing an epilogue for these two chaotic characters in my life. Hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did then don't forget to vote and comment. Take care of yourself byeee <33

Fierce Hearts *WinnerDean*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя