The phone call

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I felt like it was only us in this world~. I wish that we would remain like this forever and nothing would come between our love~
"You okay Sunshine?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"You sure? Because you're still staring at me?"
"Can't I stare at my narak boyfriend?"
He blushed a shade of pink and just gave me a proper smile while making me stand properly.
"Come on,we'll go pick out your favourite snacks"
"What about you? Do you not have any favourite snacks?"
"I do but I already picked it out. My team is really strict about those diets so I haven't tried many snacks"
"Oh. Well then today I'll make you try all my favourite snacks. By the way, do you watch BL's?"
"Of course! My favourite is The eclipse"
"Same! Do you wanna rewatch it with me again?"
"Mhm sure"
Once our conversation ended we made our way through the store and I picked out my favourite snacks which I think that Win would like.
"Come on Win,I'll go pay"
"Nuh uh you won't. I'll be the one paying"
"Hey why? It's most of my stuff anyway so I'll pay"
"You're mine so your stuff is mine as well. So let me pay"
He said it so calmly and made his way towards the cash counter whereas I was left a blushing mess.
"Hey wait up!"
"Yes Sunshine?"
"Could you um carry me?"
"Of course. Just let me pay"
"Okay hehe"
He payed for all my stuff and carried me on his back,piggyback style. I giggled after seeing his smile. We sat in the car and he kept all his belongings on the seat and went out for a smoke.
"Sunshine I'll just take a puff and come back"
"Sure no problem :)"
As he went out in the smoking area his phone rang. "Boss" it said. It must be important so I answered it and the voice that came from the other side of the line made me gasp.
Tony: So Winner? Have you tricked Dean into the relationship yet? Because if you haven't then your special friend,Kim is is more danger.
Call has been cut.
I couldn't believe what I just heard right now. I was such a fool for trusting him. Of course he must have approached me with a wicked intention. I was so angry that I removed the amount of the bill for the snacks,the dinner and approx the petrol which we used to travel today and kept it in his car. I took my belongings and rushed out of the car. I ran towards the taxi stand and luckily there was a taxi. I gave them the address of the garage and headed there. I called Sonic and fortunately he answered.
Sonic: Hey Dean? Weren't you supposed to be on a date?
Me: I'll tell you the whole thing later. For now just letting you know that I'm staying the place at your dorm.
Sonic: Yeah come over.
Me: Thanks man
Call ended
I was such a fucking fool for falling for him. I can't believe myself. I started crying without me knowing and those tiny sobs turned into a waterfall. Finally I reached the garage and ran to Sonic's room.
"Hey! Here,I prepared some hot chocolate for you"
"Now that you're here tell me"
"He played with me Sonny"
"What?" He said anger and rage visible in his eyes.
"Do you want me tell you the story from our meeting?"
"Yeah because that may help me understand the whole thing "
"So the night Charlie won against me I was furious and jealous and when I reached the club I was watching from afar. He saw me and came upto me and seduced me and stuff. A while later when I told you all to go home because I'll drink more,I went upto him and asked him to fuck me. We fucked. But after that on text we had a conversation regarding the event. He said if I catch you I fuck you (IICYIFY zade meadows🤌) and he caught me but we didn't fuck because we were tired. We spoke to eachother about eachothers likes and dislikes. I fell in love with him a short while after because of the way he treated me. Today he asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes. After that we decided to have a movie night and went to buy snacks. After we bought the snacks we went to his car and he told me to sit while he went to smoke. After he went his phone rang. Guess who it was? It was Tony"
"Tony is his team's investor but I want to hear what that jerk said"
" He said 'So Winner? Have you tricked Dean into the relationship yet? Because if you haven't then your special friend, Kim is in more danger'. So all of his intentions were just to save his Kim?"
I finally burst out crying and Sonic pulled me into his arms to comfort me.
"That bastard... How dare he do that to you? Don't worry D,me and North will deal with him. We'll have the team help us"
"Don't. But I just want them to know about his plans"
"D... Here,have water. It will help you calm down"
"Thanks. Sonny,I'm sorry for just barging into your house without prior notice. You must have had plans"
"D, I'm always free for you guys. You don't need to apologise. That bastard,Winner. I wish I could just strangle him to death right now"
And as he said that my phone vibrated for probably the 10th time. I forgot to mention but Winner had been calling me for a while now. I signalled to Sonic to answer my phone. He just nodded
Sonic: Dean is with me Winner. He doesn't want to talk to you.
Winner: Don't play with me Sonic. Give him the phone or else I'll-
North (suddenly popped out from the room) : Careful how you finish that sentence,Winner.
(while this convo was happening Dean mouthed to Sonic to tell Winner that he didn't want to see Winner anymore)
Sonic: Winner. Dean has said to never contact him again or meet him again from this day onwards. He broke up with you.
Winner: Don't fuck with me both of you. Please,I can't live without him.
Dean took the phone from Sonic's hand and said
Dean: Should have thought about that before playing with me Winner. I know about you and Tony's plan. About how he wanted you to trick me into a relationship with you just to save your beloved,Kim. I'm surprised I actually got fooled and fell in love with you. Remember when you said that you liked to know about the things you 'own' well you should have also found out about how I could forget a person who hurt me like that person never existed. From this day onwards you and I are done. We aren't friends, boyfriends or anything.
Winner: Please Sunshine. Give me a chance to explain.
Dean: You lost the right to call me that. Bye Winner. Hope you have a good life with Kim.
Call ended.

A/N- And this is where all of it begins. Hope you prepare yourself for the next chapters because it will have suffering . If you liked this chapter don't forget to like and comment :) take care and byeee <33

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