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His tears watered the ground as he ran. His bare feet carried him through the woods with invisible wings. The cold, night air brought a message of the coming winter. But the boy did not care for his well being. Not in this instance. Not when his heart was shattered beyond repair.

He came to the river at the heart of the forest. He dropped to his knees and sobbed into his hands. He did not flinch away from how icy they felt. The pain in his chest surpassed every pain he'd ever felt before.

"Why would you leave me, Mother?" he cried, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his shirt. "I still need you."

He shifted off his knees, hugging them to his chest. He turned his gaze to the darkened heavens. The First Star awakened, shining bright over the treetops. The moon, though hidden by the tallest trees, shined silver light over the peaceful, babbling brook. A calm breeze blew around him, biting against his skin.

The boy sighed as his tears ceased; his eyes stung from dryness. It was as if he had none left to shed. He turned his attention to the gentle ripples. A calm breeze brushed his dark brown hair to one side. He steadied his breathing. His heart was still pounding and ached something fearsome.

A shadow caught his attention. On the other side of the river. Slender and feminine.

"Who goes there?" He spoke into the air and pushed up onto his feet. "I-I'm not afraid of you."

He turned his hand over, calling his source of light into being. The white sphere of light illuminated the forest around him, and revealed the stranger hiding within.

"Who are you?" he asked, stepping toward the riverbed.

"I am no one. I do not exist."

The boy was shocked by the feminine tone the wind carried to his ear.

"But you do exist," he said, "you're speaking. So, you exist. You are someone... Come nearer the bank. I wish to see your face."

"Who are you to demand of me this way?"

"I am..." he hesitated, wondering if he should reveal everything about himself. "My name is Theo, I live in the palace."

Silence surrounded him as the figure came closer. Theo swallowed as the young girl came into view. Her delicate nightgown reflected his light almost as brightly as the moon reflected the hidden sun.

"My name is Jossie," she said, rubbing her arms over her shoulders. "I live nearby..."

"Why are you out here at this hour?" Theo asked, stepping closer; his toes entered the chilled water.

"I could ask of you the same," Jossie countered, moving her hands behind her back. "Tell me your reason for being here and I shall reveal mine."

Theo sighed, dropping his hand with the sphere slightly.

"I-I am grieving. I've lost my mother to the fever... and my father was killed in the war against the Vrirans... hardly a fortnight passed between their deaths."

"Oh," the girl replied, "I am so sorry... I know what it is to lose someone dear to the heart. Though my reason for being here is not the same. I live just beyond the border... in Unara, just west of here. I couldn't sleep."

"The border of Unara is at least three miles from here," Theo gasped, ignoring the cold as he entered deeper into the water. "Do you not fear the terrible creatures lurking in the darkness? And the bandits?"

"They may try and catch me," Jossie giggled as she, too, entered the river. "I am not easily captured. I am also excellent at climbing trees. Quick as a squirrel, I am."

Alluring Starlight | Journey of Legends Fantasy ChallengeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα